Pints With Aquinas
16,569 FollowersPints With Aquinas is a podcast that explains and defends the Catholic faith from a Thomisitic perspective.
Pints With Aquinas is a podcast that explains and defends the Catholic faith from a Thomisitic perspective.
- Confira as notícias completas sobre Bolsonaro, Brasil e muitas outras no link abaixo
SJWellFire: Final Days Report is an end times ministry focused on equipping the saints in preparation for coming troublous times, and for the "end of days" referred to in the Book of the Revelation. Follow Scott, with Final Days Assembly, as he shares current news, biblical teachings and his dreams in his Final Days Reports. Visit us and subscribe to our newsletter at!
A channel devoted to protecting the Catholic Churches tradition.
This CIA program is still in existence today. The CIA never stopped using these tactics on America, Canada and worldwide now.\r\nI plan on making more videos...soon.
"The Final Countdown" is a two-hour program on Radio Sputnik that explores a range of global topics. Renowned cartoonist Ted Rall and Steve Gill host the show, ensuring captivating discussions on some of the world's major stories. Tune in weekdays from 10 AM to 12 PM EST to join us in counting down the top stories shaping the world.
Blog sobre Conspiraciones y Noticias, Películas, Documentales, Nuevo Orden Mundial, illuminati , que no sueles encontrar en los Mass Media.
Creating habits that change how you look and feel forever!!
Talking to myself as I ride my bike around the Philippines
Las noticias del momento
Weekly Bitcoin Livestreams & Crypto Tips for Beginners
Recording from Living Word Christian Center in Brooklyn Park, MN, hosts Jim Hammond, John Gapp, and Lonaiah Ferrell discuss the catalytic times of our ever-evolving world. Each week's episode journeys into the depths of scripture, Biblical prophecies, and current events as the trio pieces together what it means to be a Believer in The Final Hour. Because what is even going on?
Quilting and crafting from the world's greatest quilt shop
NOTÍCIAS_DA_REDE É um canal que busca fortalecer o conservadorismo de direita no Brasil. Aqui iremos trazer vídeos da politica local e internacional. mostraremos todas as demagogias do gov. atual e sua mentiras. teremos cortes e comentários de vários comentaristas políticos. Faremos uma oposição a tudo que vier da esquerda. Peço que deixe seu like, inscreva-se e compartilhe para nos ajudar. #Deus #familia #brasil #liberdade #liberdadedeexpressao #amor
Seja bem-vindo ao canal. Aqui você encontra um conteúdo sobre Política e História com uma visão Conservadora e à direita. inscreva-se no canal, ative as notificações e compartilhe os vídeos, ajude o canal a crescer. Fortaleça as mídias conservadoras. Canal do Telegram:
Noticias sobre a Europa relaacionadas com a GeoPolitica Mundial
Your source for content they don\'t want seen.
Cobertura abrangente e atualizada das mais relevantes e recentes notícias de desporto, negócios, entretenimento, política, entre outros.
Bienvenidos al canal de Policías por la Libertad, el principal objetivo de este movimiento es contribuir al bienestar y cohesión social.\\\\nQueremos recuperar la confianza de los ciudadanos y ofrecerle a nuestros compañer@s herramientas útiles para poder desempeñar sus funciones en las mejores condiciones y conocimientos legales, con la finalidad de darles a los ciudadanos un servicio de calidad.\r\nNuestro lema, proteger y servir.
Welcome to my Channel! I'm just a gal trying to share biblical truth. This has caused me to be publicly excoriated from Lutheran, Baptist, and an AG church. I've learned just because it's from the pulpit doesn't make it true. Join me for a new video every day at 5 AM CST. Let's reason together out of the scriptures! Isaiah 1:18 For praise, comments, prayer requests, questions send me an email at
We expose expat vloggers in the Philippines who post inappropriate content and give expats a bad name.
The primary purpose of this channel is to share uplifting content with my fellow humans. I cannot say for certain why I desire to see others find happiness. Perhaps my own happiness is predicated upon helping others find contentment and wellbeing in life. Suffice it to say that I have always done so, like a bee making honey. Perhaps, in this cruel world, helping others to find peace and contentment is the greatest personal fulfillment we may find. Perhaps, it is the pathway forward to our own sense of purpose and meaning in life. If you are reading this, although we have probably never met, know that I sincerely desire for you to find contentment, satisfaction, and meaning in your life. What a miraculous experience we share, in this strange mortal realm, on a tiny planet, in a vast cosmos! At times, it is almost too much to fathom, too much to bear, but I am grateful that I am not alone in my existential angst and turmoil. I am happy to know that I can share this experience with you.
Conscious Comedy, Commentary, Free Thinking & Other Things.
Este é um canal é dedicado a repostagens de notícias sobre política, economia, militar, ciências e outras.\\n\\n\\n\\nnoticias\\nbrasil\\npolitica\\neconomia\\nmilitar\\nciencia
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