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TRUTH PUKE is a U.S.-based media publishing platform providing own and carefully curated cutting-edge news stories from other outlets about politics, entertainment, and current world events, as well as op-ed pieces and columns. The news content is accompanied by our brief commentary to enhance the subject and give the reader an efficient summary; is widely sourced; and is ranked by traffic, social media followers, domain authority, and freshness. From time to time, TruthPuke publishes its own featured articles covering a broad array of the most important current or controversial subjects.



Books, as spoken by the Daleks or by Eve of the Daleks Index of Sciencey stuff: Index of Rahan Episodes. Rahan Index: Index Of Reptile Comics: Index To The Turner Diaries Robert A. Heinlein Puke (TM) Audiobooks

Bird Clan Messenger's Salty SlumDAOWG Emporium - #SnootsNPiperAve


This channel is part of the growing Bird Clan Messenger social media network supporting our work in announcing and teaching about this time of prophecy of all Nations. Teaching Traditional wisdom and medicine, teachings of our Elders from our different cultures, lots of DAOWGS and a dash of politics from a Conservative Perspective. Deepest thanks to my longtime partner in crime, The Salty Cracker and his Army of BerzerkerDAOWGS - who are truly the light of the world. -- SP99