America Happens
12,185 FollowersRage Against the Mainstream News Media
Rage Against the Mainstream News Media
8 Jan 2023 12:18am NZ
"Eye-Opening Perspectives with a Latter Day Saint Twist!"
Where passionate patriots gather to learn and share the truth
Videos from What I say to you, I say to everyone: "Watch" Mark 13:37
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’The Mighty Pen’ is a pun mused from the metonymic-quotation by Edward Bulwer-Lutton: “The pen is mightier than the sword”. You can help me via my Bitcoin address- 34CySodMgctbXUQPUZNZJ1VUBRDDTiP3k6
America Happens
This channel features S Douglas Woodward Videos and The Hot Seat program
Become a Critical Thinker with us!! We talk the news and views of the day through a critical thinking perspective.
Just me rambling about table top RPG's, life, and whatever. OK. Mostly about table top RPG's with a bit of wit and humor. Check out the blog for more RPG rants.
My Persistence: The Personal Blog of Reuben Christopher Haynes
Radical deprogramming content
Intuitive readings and spiritual discussion
Welcome to our Rumble channel dedicated to helping people relocate to the beautiful Emerald Coast! Our channel is designed to provide you with all the information you need to make your move to this stunning region as smooth and stress-free as possible.
Sourcing the best quality content from alternative media
La primera gran virtud del hombre fue la duda y el primer gran defecto la fe (Carl Sagan)
Uncle Erich Presents™ - Classic Radio Shows, Crime, Suspense, Murder Mysteries
INFORMAZIONE LIBERA, INDIPENDENTE, SCEVRA DA QUALSIVOGLIA CONFLITTO DI INTERESSI. Mai come oggi ne abbiamo un disperato bisogno. Mentre i salotti delle nostre televisioni si riempiono di giornalisti, pennivendoli ed esperti di ogni tipo dalla dubbia onestà intellettuale, noi, francamente, ci siamo stufati. Perchè vedete, in fin dei conti è proprio vero, le bugie hanno le gambe corte. Si riesce quasi a sentirne l’odore, la puzza di marcio. Lo si legge nei volti e negli sguardi di chi le racconta. Politici, pseudogiornalisti, conduttori televisivi, sembrano recitare sempre lo stesso identico copione. Non c’è spazio per chi la pensa diversamente, per chi dubita, per chi ragiona con il proprio cervello e per chi vorrebbe porre delle lecite domande. E allora non ci resta che rimboccarci le maniche e prendecelo da soli il nostro spazio. Non certo nei loro salotti, ovviamente. Per il momento su youtube, su Telegram e sui vari social, almeno finchè avremo la possibilità di esprimere liberamente le nostre idee. In futuro si vedrà... Vi invito quindi ad iscrivervi e a condividere il link del CANALE TELEGRAM in modo da diffondere il più possibile queste notizie. Qui sotto il link per contribuire al progetto e permettermi di continuare ad offrirvi questo servizio e migliorarlo sempre di più. Grazie a tutti! 🙏🏻
Truth Revolt Originals Welcome to my ّFacebook channel, Here we unveil and expose the truth behind conspiracy theories, universal mysteries, special guests and much, much more. This channel is all about research, education, parody and entertainment. This channel doesn’t promote hate or negativity of any kind. Stay positive and enjoy the content. If you are new to the channel then please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share and enjoy my videos. به کانال فیس بوک من خوش آمدید ، در اینجا ما حقیقت پشت تئوری های توطئه ، اسرار جهانی ، مهمانان ویژه و موارد دیگر را افشا و افشا می کنیم. این کانال همه در مورد تحقیق ، آموزش ، تقلید و سرگرمی است. این کانال هیچ گونه نفرت یا منفی بافی را تبلیغ نمی کند. مثبت بمانید و از مطالب لذت ببرید. اگر تازه وارد کانال شده اید لطفاً مشترک شوید ، لایک کنید ، نظر دهید ، به اشتراک بگذارید و از فیلم های من لذت ببرید. خداوند ایران را از جنگ .خشکسالی. ودروغگوئی محفوظ بدارد Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference never back down. FIGHT for what you BELIEVE IN! Kind Regards Admins PersianOcat Be Happy
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