MJPENNEY.com - DOMINATE your Business Verified


Michael J. Penney is a proven, battle tested LEADER. Michael J. Penney is a well-known business coach, consultant, and speaker who specializes in leadership development, strategic planning, and team building. Michael is the premier Special Operations Consultant providing training, coaching, and consulting services to help individuals and organizations achieve their goals. He has worked with a variety of clients, including Fortune 500 companies, small-medium businesses, and non-profit organizations, and has been featured in numerous media outlets including TEDxRaleigh, SHIFT Advanced Life Design Magazine and, on numerous media interviews. Michael is a contributor to columns, and online media. He is the author of books on leadership and personal development and gives talks on the subjects. Michael is a combat veteran of Iraq & Afghanistan. He served in the United States Marine Corps infantry on three combat tours and an instructor tour in Quantico. In 2012 He was honorably discharged as a Sergeant. He’s a formal school instructor, having trained over 50,000+ personnel in a variety of disciplines, from planning and executing operations to preparing training based on lessons learned, earning him the title of Master Instructor. Now he is an entrepreneur, author, speaker, and business LEADER focused on developing an infrastructure and culture of accountability inside growing organizations.

Grenzenlos Leben Verified


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