Healing Music ✔️


Welcome to Soothing Paradise, YouTube's ultimate place for relaxation and tranquility. Immerse yourself in a world of serene sounds and soothing melodies, carefully crafted to soothe your mind, body and soul. Thank you for choosing my channel. I am honored to be a part of your quest for peace and look forward to sharing these beautiful moments with you! Join our community of music lovers and let the power of our gentle and therapeutic music guide you towards relaxation, healing and personal growth. Subscribe to Soothing Paradise today and get on the path to calm and inner peace. Let the harmonious melodies be your companion as you seek solace and rejuvenation amid the demands of life.

Esoteric stories with relaxing music


Welcome to our channel "Medic Paradise"! It's all about facts, theories and science fiction. We take you on fascinating journeys of discovery where we explore the secrets of our world together. Whether you are an explorer, skeptic, thirsty for knowledge, curious or someone who wants to harmonize body and soul with music - this channel is made for you. We deal with the big questions in life: why, why, why. Join us and let’s find answers together!

Troy's Garage


Just a simple guy trying to do cool things. I'm a self taught DIY kind of guy. Grew up working a farm every summer learning the value of fixing things over replacing them. Gained valuable skills. I'm not a mechanic by trade, but I work on my own vehicles (occasionally for family/friends). I'm not an appliance repairman, but learn how to fix my own appliances. I video myself doing this in hopes of inspiring others to do the same. Take a chance, learn something new and keep some of your hard earned cash in your own wallet! Remember to always be safe and "don't do dumb stuff"! My kids will probably have that engraved on my tombstone! Be sure to subscribe and share my channel with others who might watch too! Extra support: Venmo @troysgarageyoutube Amazon Affiliate Storefront - https://a.co/5slk5C7 ** MERCH Site ** https://troysgarage.myspreadshop.com/ Send me stuff: Troy's Garage YouTube Channel 4956 West 6200 South - Box 235 Salt Lake City, UT 84118