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Craftingalsal Papercrafts & Such


Craftingalsal Papercrafts & Such225 subscribers My Blog Description I\'m Sally Cox, wife, mother, grandmother, and full-time teacher. When I\'m not in the classroom, I can often be found in my craft studio playing with paper, scissors, glue, stickers, and other crafty things. Crafting and creating has been in my blood since I can remember. Coloring and creating things from cardboard, paper, material, and odds & ends around the house was my favorite way to play as a child. This channel will be dedicated to providing you with informal & relaxed step-by-step how-to tutorials for making handcrafted cards & other papercrafts using basic items such as scrapbook paper, stamps, stickers, glue, and scissors. I\'ll also show you how to make the other fun, crafty things I love to do (as mentioned above), and will sometimes have special guests join me for fun! Come join my crafty group on by clicking here: Join me on my blog at & subscribe to my newsletter.