Overcome Babylon


Welcome to Overcome Babylon, where we are exposing the deception of Mystery Babylon AND rejecting mainstream religion while STILL having a deep relationship with God... Abraham Ojeda throws down his views on the Hebrew roots of Biblical faith, current news, the New World Order, Biblical end times prophecies and more. Ready to come out of Babylon? Time is running out, and God's judgment is now being poured out! Getting prepared--spiritually, physically, and emotionally--is at the heart of this podcast.

Abraham - Overcome Babylon - En Español


Bienvenido a Overcome Babylon en español, donde exponemos el engaño de Mystery Babylon Y rechazamos la religión dominante. Exploramos muchas temas que incluyen la profecía bíblica de los últimos tiempos, el segundo éxodo, la abominación desoladora, la marca de la bestia, el número 666, la vaca roja, las 70 semanas de Daniel, y mucho más. Abraham Ojeda comparte sus puntos de vista sobre las raíces hebreas de la fe bíblica y también la línea de tiempo profética de Yehovah en relación con los eventos mundiales actuales como la pandemia de Covid-19, los cierres de los principales bancos de EE. UU., la hambruna mundial, la guerra en Ucrania y la amenaza constante de una guerra nuclear. ¡El tiempo pronto se acaba y el juicio de Dios ahora se está derramando! Prepararse espiritual, física y emocionalmente es el corazón de este canal. Hecha un vistazo al https://www.setentasemanas.com/ para obtener más informes y artículos.

Overlandish Adventures - Channel


Aloha Everyone! Welcome to Overlandish Adventures! We're thrilled you found us in this crazy world. We’re a couple from Hawaii who sold everything to buy a Jeep Gladiator and set off to explore the USA and Canada. Our journey is not just about overlanding; it’s about our life as a couple, sharing our experiences, and meeting amazing people along the way. Inspired by @caseyNeistat, we hope to inspire you to pursue your dreams through our adventures. On our channel, you'll find a mix of content, from date nights and overlanding expeditions to product reviews and fashion hauls. Our content is diverse and different, and that's what makes it interesting. Not all of our content is YouTube-friendly, which is why we have a Patreon account for exclusive content and additional support. For EXCLUSIVE Content: https://jewelsirl.bio/ Join us on this incredible journey and let’s explore the world together!



The main goal of this channel is to help other prepare for what may come in the future. The topics I will most often touch on are tactics/gear/weapons/medical/gardening/physical security. About me. I am retired US Army 22 years ( Infantry/Military Police). I also worked in Law Enforcement for 16 years. I attended many courses to include Active Shooter Instructor through ALERRT, Basic and Advanced SWAT schools. The reason I decided to start a YouTube channel is because I believe I do have some knowledge and information others can use. As I say, these are the ways I do things, its not the way to do things. Take away the knowledge you need/want, leave what you dont. One of my sayings is you should never make an important decision based on fear. Its up to the individual to seek the knowledge that is used to make educated decisions. “We don't rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.” ― Archilochus PaladinPrepper06@protonmail.com

Overland & Outdoor Adventure Videos


Welcome To The Channel. I Post Videos Every Sunday. On my channel you will primarily find outdoor adventure videos related to Overlanding and Truck camping. Exploring the outdoors gives me a sense of adventure. I must find out what lies around the next bend. I must discover what may be on the mountain or trail I have yet to explore. But what's for certain is that I always find solitude and peace in the beauty of the outdoors. If I in some way can inspire others to get out there and experience the outdoors then I am satisfied. Contact Me At JonnyTacoOutdoors@gmail.com

K9KMS Amateur Radio & Overland Verified


Hello, my name is Ken. I was licensed in 2009 as KC9OYS Technician, then K9KMS as a General class. I've always had an interest in POTA and SOTA stations, and always have the radio on while traveling, but I've never done a POTA or SOTA activation myself. Now I'm retired and living a widower's life, so it's time to do some of the things on my bucket list. I customized a 2021 Colorado ZR2 diesel and Intech Flyer Chase camper for overlanding and HF/VHF/UHF/APRS operation from anywhere. Come along with me on this adventure of life and maybe we will meet someday on the radio, or even in person. God's blessings to you all! Romans 8:28