Jay & Monica Campbell - The Optimized Tribe Verified


The Optimized Tribe lead by the husband and wife team of Jay & Monica Campbell is the premier online destination for learning how to fully optimize your health while intuitively creating a better you. Jay Campbell is a 4x international best selling author, champion men’s physique competitor, co-founder of Aseir Custom and founder of the Jay Campbell Brand and Podcast. Jay is a global influencer on hormones, biohacking and raising human consciousness. Jay will teach you how to raise your vibration to oscillation. Monica Campbell is a best selling author, award winning mega listing real estate agent and affectionally known as the Rainbow Unicorn due her uncanny ability in helping others. Monica was raised by a single mother and an almost absent alcoholic father. Now the amazing mother of 5 children (3 biological and 2 bonus daughters) she has learned how to overcome adversity while thriving. Her decades of real estate skills training taught her mastery of interpersonal communication while her deep inner work practice honed her abilities as a mega-manifester.

Al Jazeera English


#I STAND WITH ALJAZEERA or #istandwithaljazeera #AlJazeera English, we focus on people and events that affect people's lives. We bring topics to light that often go under-reported, listening to all sides of the story and giving a 'voice to the voiceless.' Reaching more than 282 million households in over 140 countries across the globe, our viewers trust #AlJazeera English to keep them informed, inspired, and entertained. Our impartial, fact-based reporting wins worldwide praise and respect. It is our unique brand of #journalism that the world has come to rely on. We are reshaping global media and constantly working to strengthen our reputation as one of the world's most respected #news and #CurrentAffairs channels. In this channal don't affilated By Al Jazeera English News Channel We Created This Channel for Spread the News from original Al Jazeera English YT Channel , Because We Impress Work of Perfection. If Any Issues In This Channel or Video Please Contact optimusgroup@duck.com Donate :- 0xe3c34b9286763df5b38b45a72947fbacfa74e519 Please Follow The Original Creator/News Channel Below

Al Jazeera Arabic


#الجزيرة العربية، نركز على الأشخاص والأحداث التي تؤثر على حياة الناس. نحن نسلط الضوء على الموضوعات التي غالبًا ما لا يتم تناولها بشكل كافٍ، ونستمع إلى جميع جوانب القصة ونعطي "صوتًا لمن لا صوت لهم". من خلال الوصول إلى أكثر من 282 مليون أسرة في أكثر من 140 دولة حول العالم، يثق مشاهدونا في قناة #الجزيرة العربية لإبقائهم على اطلاع وإلهام وترفيه. إن تقاريرنا المحايدة والمبنية على الحقائق تحظى بالثناء والاحترام في جميع أنحاء العالم. إنها علامتنا التجارية الفريدة للصحافة التي أصبح العالم يعتمد عليها. نحن نعيد تشكيل وسائل الإعلام العالمية ونعمل باستمرار على تعزيز سمعتنا كواحدة من قنوات #الأخبار و #الشؤون_الحديثة الأكثر احترامًا في العالم. في هذه القناة غير تابعة لقناة الجزيرة الإخبارية العربية. لقد أنشأنا هذه القناة لنشر الأخبار من قناة الجزيرة العربية الأصلية على YT، لأننا نبهر العمل المتقن. إذا كانت هناك أي مشاكل في هذه القناة أو الفيديو. optimusgroup@duck.com -: يرجى الاتصالـ 0xe3c34b9286763df5b38b45a72947fbacfa74e519 -:التبرع يرجى متابعة قناة المنشئ/الأخبار الأصلية أدناه

Optimized YOUniversity


The OPTIMIZED YOUniveristy channel is dedicated to informing, motivating, and inspiring people from all walks of life to become the most OPTIMIZED version of themselves! We will be deep-diving into a magnitude of health and wellness-related topics that affect millions of people, both young and old. We will give you the tools and confidence to take back your health and help you create and maintain long-lasting changes as you embark on your Health and Wellness journey.

The Genuine Optimist


Welcome to the Genuine Optimist. It’s time we build hope in failing hearts and ignite action in some. A renaissance is coming, if we can believe one thing. What we do together is more powerful than what we do alone. #Renaissance #business #markets #finance #recession #depression #restart #optimism Are you afraid to send your kids to college? Do you fear they will come back programed? Peacemaker University is the best place to start before attending college, and even before life, especially before starting a business or launching an idea. Learn to build an Amor of Mind, a Heart of Hope, and learn to apply Faith in Action before attending college. No matter the course of study, whether business entrepreneurism or education, Peacemaker University is there to keep an eye on the forgotten light while maintaining the spirit of self-discovery before entering college and throughout life. https://www.peacemakeruniversity.com. Learn how to manage the build of your own home without a general contractor. Save tens of thousands and build leadership skills you never thought you had. https://www.howtobuildyourownhome.com Interested in organizing a network locally? See Local Common Wealth to excite everyone’s voice, give consent to everyone’s vote, and conserve locally everyone’s value. Join a rising tide that the lifts all ships. Welcome to the best vision in over a hundred and fifty years in business and community networking. https://www.localcommonwealth.com See Keith at his webpage for coaching, speaking, and to get notified of his weekly bullet points. https://www.genuineoptimist.com. Read his book The High Road, The Future of American Greatness. Troubling times await America, and it’s not enough to prepare individually or in our families: we must prepare as entire communities. The High Road gives a vision for everyone seeking to work together rather than through the control of authority. It is the first self-help book for improving democracy. Now on Amazon, find all my books under my name Keith Kelsch. Inner Guiding Ethos of The Genuine Optimist Beware of the fear of failure. Success comes from upholding a consistent view of one’s own inner understanding over a long period of time and not from what is learned from others or from divided opinion. Do not let your mind be tainted by trends or isolated views. Do not think you can force figure something out. The best knowledge comes out of applied faith and not denial. Never become polarized against something or somebody. Be open and patient. Never attack the icons of someone else. Seek for every principle without bitterness and fear. If the Genuine Optimist ever forgets this, please remind him in the comments, and forgive me in advance if he breaks away from this ethos from time to time. DISCLAIMER: This video is for entertainment and inspiration purposes ONLY. It is designed to give sound epistemology to your thinking, and not control it. These videos shall NOT be construed as tax, legal, financial or emotional advice and may be outdated or inaccurate; all decisions made as a result of viewing are yours alone. Scammers: There are scammers who will try to clone this and other accounts (and pretend to be me) talking to you in the comments. I will never provide you with a Telegram/WhatsApp number - these are scammers, DO NOT reply & simply report them. I accept no responsibility for any losses due to you being scammed. If in doubt, click the profile and it will confirm your suspicions when it takes you to a fake page. Sponsorships: The Genuine Optimist (AKA Keith R. Kelsch) may earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus from any product or service listed or discussed.

Optimize your chess skills and learn from the best


Welcome to the ultimate chess channel where you'll find highlights, tutorials, and all things chess! Get exclusive access to top grandmasters and world champions as they showcase their skills and strategies in nail-biting matches. From beginners to advanced players, we've got you covered with engaging and educational content aimed at improving your chess game. Join our community of chess enthusiasts and be part of the action! Subscribe now to stay up-to-date on the latest chess highlights, tactics, and trends in the world of chess.