17,949 FollowersThe Operation Freedom Channel is devoted to Freedom & Free Speech
The Operation Freedom Channel is devoted to Freedom & Free Speech
AKOU Channel on Rumble
"Science is merely a means to an end, the means is knowledge.. the end is control. - Bill Cooper Anti-Masonic Website - https://www.antimasonry.com/ Bill Cooper's Website -https://www.hourofthetime.com/ Behold A Messenger's Website - https://beholdamessenger.com/ YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/@MysteryBabylon888
Maureen Steele and Miki Klann are teaming up for The Peoples Operation Restoration, the world’s largest grassroots movement this world has ever seen!
Torne-se um apoiador oficial do Programa 4 por 4 e contribua para o jornalismo livre e independente. Tenha acesso aos conteúdos do programa através do nosso aplicativo. Saiba mais e seja um apoiador: https://www.programa4por4.com/apoie
This channel is dedicated to sharing live event video of real people doing real things to change the world
See the other side of the story that Western Media does not want you to show you.
Televisão Operária e revolucionária desde 2008
Psychological operations
- Mercenary / Surgeon / Mortician / Body Launderer - Formerly Contracted for Bush, Clinton, Henry, many other 'Elite' Cowards involved with Major Industry, Politics, National Security and Military Intelligence, etc. - Whistleblowing RE: Organized Child Trafficking and Grooming, Murder of Innocent American Citizens on American Soil, and misc. Crimes Against Humanity and overall Corruption that has infiltrated Executive, Judicial, and Legislative bodies of American Government, and our National Security Apparatus - Speaking out publicly, AGAIN, after going dark for nearly a decade following retaliation with significant loss of life and collateral damage ------- For inquiries: grey@organizesafety.org For assistance: help@organizesafety.org ----------- Twitter/X tends to have most recent information, please follow for updates: https://substack.com/@greyareaoperator https://reddit.com/u/GreyAreaOperator https://twitter.com/GreyAreaMonarch https://youtube.com/@greyareaoperator
Bienvenidos al canal de Policías por la Libertad, el principal objetivo de este movimiento es contribuir al bienestar y cohesión social.\\\\nQueremos recuperar la confianza de los ciudadanos y ofrecerle a nuestros compañer@s herramientas útiles para poder desempeñar sus funciones en las mejores condiciones y conocimientos legales, con la finalidad de darles a los ciudadanos un servicio de calidad.\r\nNuestro lema, proteger y servir.
a 2a advocate that enters the fray of politics and culture
PERIODISTAS POR LA VERDAD es una iniciativa formada por periodistas, investigadores, comunicadores y otros profesionales para denunciar la censura y manipulación informativa por parte del Gobierno y las autodenominadas “Agencias de verificación”.
Operation World Without Cancer is a humanitarian global marketing effort to create widespread understanding of all natural, organic, metabolic, God-given solutions to cancer, with the ultimate goal of making cancer as rare as scurvy in our lifetime.
Platform for Patriotic Americans to express their support and love for America and their President
La red de noticias de Cuba y los cubanos por el mundo
NTCBN Our vision is based on “Wherever you hear the horn, rally to us there. Our God will fight for us!" Nehemiah 4:20. ii) We will be virtual online, and Lives,. It will go Live on our private channel through our Website www.operationsnehemiahsnehemiah.org. It will be air on various social networks which honor the 1st Amendment, guaranteeing our Freedom of Worship, Assembly, Freedom of Speech, and Press
Bastidores, histórias e curiosidades da aviação.
We are the show "THEY" don't want you to see! Operation Truth has one focus and one focus only...getting the truth about the things going on in the USA and the world globally out to the average people who are intentionally left in the dark by the political paradigm, large corporate interests, and the corporately owned mainstream media. Our key players: Lou Palumbo: Former NYPD Officer who now owns one of the most prestigious private security companies in the USA that has contracted with Hollywood A-Listers like Jennifer Anniston and Alec Baldwin, Royalty, CNN, and The Golden Globes; Tom Fuentes: The Former Assistant Director of the FBI and Board Member of Interpol, now consults on matters of law enforcement and security globally; Christian Briggs, the owner and CEO of Hard Asset Management and the host of the Hard Asset Money Show podcast, consults globally on matters of finance. We give the non-partisan truth to you straight here. Join the Operation!
Hi! I'm Andrew Carriker, also known as OperatorDrewski. I make videos about military games and stuff. Open to sponsorships! BUSINESS EMAIL : abdullahrajput656@gmail.com
This channel is dedicated to cover topics some would call conspiratorial. From the supernatural, to the unbelievable and everything in between on Operation Conspiracy theory I will talk about it all holding no punch. You Tube censored the crap out of my channel. It got to a point I never bothered to post a video until it was in their system for seven days to give them the opportunity for censorship.
Sou Gabriell Hernandes Dassi, e esse é meu canal! Este é um canal em que eu compartilho minhas experiências com produtos Tech, celulares, computadores, e outros periféricos, comento sobre lançamentos e produtos que eu adquiro. Temos Unboxings, Opinando lançamentos e análises sinceras dizendo realmente se o produto é bom. Enfim, só vendo pra crer! :D Se curtir meu conteúdo se inscreva e mande sugestões de produtos doidos para testar e sugestões de quadros novos!!! Contato: gabriellhernandesd@gmail.com Equipamentos que uso: Câmeras: LG G6 LG G8x ThinQ Logitech C920 Microfones: BOYA BY-M1 BOYA BY-MM1 HyperX Solocast
Podcast sobre filosofia, cultura e valores morais, que traz conteúdo sob as formas de entrevistas e indicações/resenhas bibliográficas. Apresentado por Lucas Azambuja e Rafael Madalozzo.
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