Tyrell Knifeworks


Hobbyist bladesmith and maker of cool things! My website: http://www.tyrellknifeworks.com I'm a part-time bladesmith living in California. I got into this craft from watching Forged in Fire with my son and thought it would be a cool thing to do together. I recently attained the ranking of Journeyman Smith in the American Bladesmith Society, which defines a level of quality that the bladesmith must meet. I am thrilled to have attained this and now I'm working towards the Master level. Every project has something new in it so that I can keep learning new techniques. This hobby has become a passion and I'd love for you to follow along! PS - The shark logo was used because I'm also a PADI scuba diving instructor. I've also done cage diving with great white sharks and have been in the water with many other sharks! Thanks, Denis Tyrell

Traditional Astrology by Felipe Oliveira


Welcome to my channel dedicated to traditional horary astrology! Here, I aim to share my knowledge, experience, and passion for the ancient art of astrology. I have received the diploma of horary craftsman from the renowned John Frawley and studied Traditional Medical Astrology under the guidance of Oscar Hofman. I have studied and practiced traditional astrology since 2005. My approach centers around practical knowledge that can positively impact our lives. I am driven by the desire to obtain actionable guidance, thus my focus on Horary Astrology, an ancient and powerful tool that connects us to the wisdom of the heavens while keeping our feet on the ground and providing valuable insights for decision-making. I offer a diverse range of courses, engaging webinars, and personalized one-on-one mentoring to cater to different learning preferences and levels of expertise. I also offer a range of horary astrology consultations. The links are below as well as in the video descriptions.

Canal do Prof. Robson Oliveira


Olá, sou o Prof. Dr. Robson Oliveira. Sou professor de filosofia, escritor e analista político. Compartilho com vocês temas de formação humana, artes, virtudes e educação. Aqui você encontra dicas sobre temas de atualidades. Tudo sob o olhar da filosofia! Um jeito inteligente de ver o mundo. Faça parte de nosso grupo no Telegram: 👉 t.me/profrobson01 Leia meus artigos: 👉 Gazeta do Povo: https://www.gazetadopovo.com.br/busca/?q=%22robson+de+oliveira%22+puc