4,747 FollowersParanormal Round Table
2,052 FollowersCryptid/Paranormal researcher Josh Turner shares your first hand accounts of the terrifying and unexplained from around the world!
2,014 FollowersKnot Normal Adventures
1,769 FollowersHey y’all! Thank you for checking our channel out, we appreciate all the love and support. We are The Beckers, a couple from Williston, FL that spends all our free time together in the woods and water. We LOVE to hunt, fish, and have a good time. Knot Normal Adventures is a close-look at who we are and how we live our lives, “Knot Normal.” Subscribe to keep up with our new videos, but also be sure to check out our older videos as well. Feel free to comment both the good and bad, we appreciate all feedback. If you like our channel and what we do on a day-to-day basis we have a couple of “tip-jars”: Cash-app: $KnotNormalAdventures Venmo: KnotNormalAdventures These "tip jars" will help fund dog food, treats, training devices, hunting supplies, equipment and groundskeeping. For business inquires ONLY: knotnormaladventures@gmail.com
Deep Woods Paranormal
1,472 FollowersWelcome to our paranormal journey here on our Youtube channel. Amanda and I research all things paranormal activity. Be it ghosts and haunted locations, demons and demonic activity, Bigfoot or Sasquatch, UFOS, Aliens, Cryptids creatures, strange lights, river and lake monsters and any other paranormal activity. On our paranormal journey and investigations we provide paranormal evidence for you to watch and make up your own mind about. Our paranormal journey will take us into Bigfoot territory, haunted locations and more as we interview witnesses and try and get to the bottom of the paranormal activity. We also produce the "Deep Woods Paranormal Podcast" for you to watch and listen to. Topics include all things Bigfoot / Sasquatch, Dogman, UFO, Ghosts and hauntings, demons, recaps of our own paranormal investigations and more... Please like, share and subscribe so you don't miss anything.
1,124 FollowersBrave New Normal
1,074 FollowersBrave New Normal is a podcast hosted by Jason James; a former music artist and columnist, and current essayist and screenwriter. Every episode focuses on current events and interesting ideas emerging in the world of politics, film, science and more.
1,061 Followersnormanfenton
975 FollowersParanormal Channel
808 FollowersChannel shows paranormal phenomena from all over the world. Amateur recordings from home cameras, street cameras, cell phones as well as documentaries about paranormal phenomena.
Paranormal Activity
766 FollowersThey are among us
729 FollowersMomsAgainstTheNorm
683 FollowersParanormalHighway
603 FollowersParanormal phenomena, unexplained, UFO
550 FollowersIntroduction Throughout history, humanity has been fascinated by the mysterious and unexplained occurrences that defy conventional scientific understanding. Paranormal phenomena, encompassing UFO sightings, ghostly encounters, and other unexplained mysteries, have captivated the imaginations of people worldwide. In this article, we delve into some of the most intriguing aspects of the paranormal, exploring the enigmatic world of UFOs and the countless mysteries that continue to baffle researchers and enthusiasts alike. The UFO Phenomenon Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) have been a subject of great curiosity for decades. Reports of UFO sightings have been documented worldwide, describing strange lights, unconventional aerial maneuvers, and encounters with extraterrestrial beings. While skeptics often dismiss UFO sightings as misidentifications of natural phenomena or experimental aircraft, many individuals believe they are evidence of extraterrestrial life visiting Earth. Over the years, governments and organizations have conducted investigations into UFO sightings. One of the most well-known initiatives was the United States' "Project Blue Book," which aimed to study UFO reports from 1952 to 1969. Despite closing the project officially, numerous UFO sightings and encounters continue to be reported to this day, fueling speculation and intrigue. Unexplained Mysteries Apart from UFOs, a plethora of unexplained mysteries pervade the realms of the paranormal. Ghostly apparitions, haunted locations, and inexplicable phenomena challenge our understanding of the natural world. Haunted houses, in particular, have become the subject of countless stories and investigations, with claims of eerie sounds, inexplicable movements, and ghostly sightings. Other enigmatic occurrences include spontaneous human combustion, where individuals reportedly burst into flames without any apparent external ignition source. While such cases are rare and have sparked debates among experts, they remain perplexing and unexplained. Subsequently, we encounter cases of people experiencing déjà vu - the unsettling feeling of having lived through a particular moment before. Scientists and psychologists have proposed various theories to explain this phenomenon, yet the definitive cause remains elusive. Exploring the Possibilities In the pursuit of understanding paranormal phenomena, researchers utilize various approaches. Technology, such as night-vision cameras, electromagnetic field detectors, and voice recorders, is often employed in paranormal investigations. Additionally, psychic mediums and individuals with supposed extrasensory abilities claim to communicate with spirits and entities from other realms. However, the study of the paranormal remains contentious within the scientific community. Skeptics argue that many instances of paranormal occurrences can be attributed to psychological factors, hallucinations, or simple misinterpretations of ordinary events. They emphasize the need for empirical evidence before accepting the existence of the paranormal. Conclusion The world of paranormal phenomena is an enthralling realm that continues to intrigue and puzzle humanity. Whether through UFO sightings, unexplained mysteries, or ghostly encounters, the quest to understand the unknown remains an enduring part of human curiosity. While skeptics seek to explain these phenomena within the bounds of conventional science, believers maintain that there are realities beyond our current understanding. As technology advances and our knowledge expands, the lines between the paranormal and the natural may become clearer. Until then, the allure of the unexplained will continue to fuel the fascination and wonder surrounding the world of UFOs and the paranormal.
Norme is back
500 Followersi am back
Norman Finkelstein
397 FollowersMissouri Paranormal Association
339 FollowersWe are a paranormal investigative team based in Missouri, with team members in Springfield, Lebanon, Eldon, and Camdenton. We use ONLY science in our investigations. We do NOT use or condone the use of so-called "psychics," Ouija boards, pendulums, dowsing rods, "spirit boxes," the Ovilus, or X-Box Kinnect, as there is absolutely NO SCIENCE to back these up.
312 FollowersJust a hardcore patriot for Trump & the World. Main page is Z06Norm, the # 0 not the letter o after the Z !!
260 FollowersHilton Live Paranormal News
259 FollowersWelcome to HLPN News where we discuss the Paranormal, Metaphysics, Biblical Signs of the time, and UFO sightings from an Educated Objective Perspective! Also, follow us on iHeartRadio and Spotify.
249 FollowersAngels, Soul Orbs, Paranormal, UAPs, etc.
248 FollowersAuthor & Spiritual Clairvoyant in NJ, paranormal researcher/photographer of Orbs, Angels, UAPs and other phenomena.
Paranormal Portal
244 FollowersRumble Home of the Paranormal Portal Livestreams-Videos and Podcast
235 FollowersJust a Normal Patriot
211 FollowersRetired US Army Ranger | Constitutional Conservative | Patriot | Warfighter
210 FollowersAdrian Norman
208 Followersjosephnormandgrinnell
185 FollowersThis channel is dedicated to providing those interested in information on the Paranormal.
(UFO & Paranormal Research Society)
171 FollowersWelcome to UPARS! The (UFO & Paranormal Research Society) Meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday at 8PM of every month here: Unitarian Universalist Church 12355 Moorpark St. Studio City, CA 91604 https://maps.google.com/maps?q=12355+Moorpark+St..,+Studio+City,+CA $15 at the door, $10 for UPARS LA card carrying members.
167 FollowersOff-grid power for a normal lifestyle
165 Followers3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, central air... and no electric bill. Lessons learned from providing 100% of our own power.
staatenlos.info - NOD offiziell Tagesschau
157 FollowersVölkerverständigung kann nur über die bedingungslose Erfüllung der höchsten völkerrechtlichen Rechtsnorm „Potsdamer Abkommen“ - die Entnazifizierung, Entmilitarisierung und Entsatanisierung von Deutschland verwirklicht werden! Alles andere ist nur Selbst-Betrug! Das Potsdamer Abkommen („Mitteilung der Drei-Mächte Konferenz“) ist das völkerrechtlich-verbindliche Vertragsdokument zur Beendigung des bis heute nicht beendeten „Zweiten Weltkrieges“! Im Teil II und Teil III des Potsdamer Abkommens wurden die Deutschen zur völkerrechtlichen Beendigung des Kriegszustandes in die Selbstverantwortung genommen. Für eine dauerhafte, künftige internationale Friedensordnung und Stabilität wurden politische Grundsätze der Eine dauerhafter, wahrer Welt-Frieden, echte Völkerfreundschaft und friedensfördernde Entnazifizierung und Entmilitarisierung festgelegt. Zu gegebener Zeit soll eine Regierung aus geeigneten Deutschen für den bis dato handlungsunfähigen völkerrechtlichen Staat Deutschland gebildet werden, welche die Friedensverträge zur endgültigen Beendigung des internationalen Kriegszustandes schließt und gemeinsam mit den alliierten Partnern die Entnazifizierung Deutschlands durchführt. Auch im Artikel 139 Grundgesetz für die „Bundesrepublik Deutschland“ wird auf das Fortgelten der völkerrechtlich-verbindlichen Vorschriften zur Entnazifizierung hingewiesen. Nur wer die Vergangenheit kennt, kann die Gegenwart verstehen und die Zukunft positiv gestalten! Unser gemeinsames Anliegen ist es, aus der Vergangenheit zu lernen. Das bedeutet: Fehler nicht zu wiederholen, das Gute zu bewahren, zu vervollkommnen, dass Mensch-Sein zu erkennen und in Gott zu veredeln. Die Befreiung der Deutschen vom Nazismus, Militarismus und Satanismus gemäß dem rechtsverbindlichen, vorrangigen Potsdamer Abkommen bedeutet Heimat und Welt-Frieden, Rückkehr zu natürlich-göttlichen Ordnung und damit eine lebenswert-positive Zukunft für die gesamte Menschheit! Die Verbindung der Menschen zur Mutter Erde und zur göttlichen Natur ist eine unbedingt-notwendige Voraussetzung zur Wiederherstellung der natürlich-göttlichen Ordnung auf dieser Erde. Dies sind die gottgegebenen Aufgaben der Nationalen Befreiungsbewegung Deutschland - staatenlos.info. MACH MIT! MACHS NACH! MACHS BESSER! WICHTIGE BASIS-INFORMATIONEN! Studieren Sie neben allen anderen Informationen unbedingt die Lösung im Reformprogramm für Deutschland! Die Lösung liegt in der DDR! https://staatenlos.info/die-loesung-liegt-in-der-ddr Unsere deutsche Heimat https://staatenlos.info/deutsche-heimat Die Generallösung für Heimat und Welt-Frieden! https://staatenlos.info/die-loesung-phase1-umsetzung-potsdamer-abkommen https://staatenlos.info/die-loesung-phase-2-das-reform-programm https://staatenlos.info/rechtsgrundlagen Abonnieren sie unseren https://staatenlos.info/liveticker und bekommen so gesichert immer die aktuellen Informationen zur Befreiung Deutschlands vom Nazismus, Militarismus und Satanismus. Beachten sie auch unsere weiteren Webseiten: https://heimatschutzbewegung.de/ https://staatenlos.info/liveticker https://minderheitenschutz-deutschland.de/ https://nod-deutschland.de/ ⚠️ Unbedingt auch die weiteren Vernetzungsmöglichkeiten beachten: Telegram: Rüdigers Topinfos Offiziell https://t.me/befrei Chatgruppe: Rüdigers Topinfos Diskussion zur Befreiung! https://t.me/TopInfosDiskussion Chatgruppe: Nationale Befreiungsbewegung Deutschland_НОД_offiziell: https://t.me/nod_offiziell Impressum: https://staatenlos.info/impressum Rechtliche Belehrung zur Dokumentation gegen den Nazismus, Faschismus, Militarismus und Satanismus in Deutschland und Europa; Diese Webpräsenz/ Videokanal dient ausdrücklich der staatsbürgerlichen Aufklärung, der Abwehr verfassungswidriger Bestrebungen, der Kunst oder der Wissenschaft, der Forschung oder der Lehre, der Berichterstattung über Vorgänge des Zeitgeschehens in Deutschland, Europa und international! Verweis Strafgesetzbuch (StGB) § 86 Verbreiten von Propagandamitteln verfassungswidriger und terroristischer Organisationen Weiterlesen Impressum: https://staatenlos.info/impressum Weiterlesen: https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/stgb/__86.html
Paranormal Encounters
153 FollowersA couple fascinated by the mysterious world of the paranormal take their curiosity across country to some of the most haunted places in America. This series follows paranormal enthusiasts Connor Biddle and India Hopwood on their journey to push the limits of their fear to the max in an effort to communicate with the other side. Follow us on Youtube too! https://youtube.com/paranormalencounters
148 FollowersTRONO DE DIOS
144 FollowersEste canal ha nacido para gloria de la Santísima Trinidad Único y Eterno Dios y de Nuestra Santísima Reina María. Se ofrecen la visualización de Santas Misas celebradas según el Vetus Ordo, Catequesis de doctrina católica, Letanías a Cristo, la Inmaculada, los ángeles y los santos, Mensajes marianos y de Cristo y Canciones cristianas. Todo este contenido pretende mostrar y demostrar, que la Iglesia católica hoy ha sido asediada, ocupada y usurpada por falsos obispos y por un falso Papa que obedece las directrices de los poderes fuertes de este mundo, pero que ya no es Servidor de Dios, ni Vicario de Cristo. El canal afronta los retos de denunciar, con apologética cristiana y celo apostólico, a la falsa iglesia bergogliana que hoy se ha asentado en el vaticano, antes lugar de luz, catolicidad, testimonio de fe martirial y roca apostólica. En este HOY se cumple la profecía de Cristo de que las puertas del infierno no prevalecerán ante la inexpugnable FE católica y el SENSUS FIDELIUM.
The Paranormal Scholar
144 FollowersScholar of the inexplicable. Curator of the bizarre. The Paranormal Scholar explores paranormal mysteries and dark histories in the form of documentaries and top lists. Our research includes: ghosts, spirits and poltergeists; paranormal legends, folklore and history; exorcisms and demonically possessed people; anomalous experiences including time slips; vampires, werewolves, monsters and cryptids; and, UFOs and aliens. Created by Laura and Erik Rowton, the makers of "In Search of the Dead". The Paranormal Scholar® is a Registered Trademark. © Ethereal Productions
Paranormal with Logic
132 FollowersDelving into everything in the paranormal world on camera with no distractions.