
137 Followers Herzlich Willkommen auf dem Video Kanal der Akademie für ganzheitliche Lebensberatung e.V. Kontaktdaten: Unsere Arbeit unterstützen: Akademie für ganzheitliche Lebensberatung e.V. Patrick Schönerstedt Telegram: Kanal: Facebook: Patrick Schönerstedt Fanpage: Telefon: 08052/9574751 Registergericht Traunstein VR 201350 Spenden und Förderbeiträge gehen bitte an: Betreff: oder Akademie fglB e.V Vereinskonto: Iban: DE837116 0000 0006 605036 oder Paypal Wir bedanken uns fürs Zuschauen und eure Unterstützung. und die Akademie für ganzheitliche Lebensberatung e.V. übernimmt keine Haftung für Aussagen von dritten. Wir agieren lediglich als Dienstleister und stellen Informationen zur Verfügung. Jeder haftet für sein Handeln eigenverantwortlich.

Seek the Truth Because it Matters Verified


TruthUnwrapped fills a void since investigative journalism died a long time ago. Main stream media spewed out the same talking points dictated to them by the powers that be. Most folks are too busy with very little time to research government policies or other critical issues that impact their daily lives. So many folks simply buy into the narrative, trusting hook, line and sinker that they are being told the truth by the media. This MUST stop! Your life and that of your family depends on knowing the truth so you can determine the best outcome for yourselves. Seek the truth because it matters as we pursue the truth at TruthUnwrapped.

The Patriot Cause


American patriots take an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The Communist Manifesto says that communism destroys all religion and all morality. We make the mistake of negotiating with these socialists just on the basis of economics when in reality it is about metaphysics and ontology (the branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being) - it is about attacking and destroying your values, your culture. your ideas and the foundations of your society.

Chris Bassett "I Drank Too Much This Weekend" Comedy Podcast


Compilations of Funny Drinking Stories, Adult Humor, Comedic Observations, Chauvinistic Rants, Filthy Jokes and Unnecessary Mansplaining. I’m an ignorant asshole… so I’m definitely getting canceled! Subscribe and follow so you don’t miss a new episode! Follow my other social media! Spotify@ChrisBassett "I Drank Too Much This Weekend" Instagram@chrisbassett/Twitter@chrisbassett__/YouTube @chrisbassett_. Message me and support my drunken adventures directly!

Creative Artists Uniting for the Sovereignty of Everyone


An Epic Weekend of Liberty-Centered Music, Comedy, Lectures, Live Podcasts, Aerial-Acrobatics, Community-Building, and MORE! Many of you are aware of the culture creation and social engineering that has been done via the arts. It’s time we celebrate the creativity and beauty of humanity with art that is pro-humanity, takes ownership of free will, personal sovereignty & personal agency & is celebrated in person with other freedom minded souls! The powers that be want to create an atomized, transhuman leading to post-human world controlled by an AI hive/borg mind that has humans siloed in the Metaverse programmed by them! The best antidote to their plans is to be radically human! ​ Join us to honor Art, Humanity and Liberty for all!