Nature's Always Right Verified


Learn about regenerative agriculture, market gardening, and how to DIY. Let me (Steven), take you on my market garden journey as I show you how I build my agriculture business from the ground up using no-till, beyond organic, 0-pesticide techniques and build most of my infrastructure from recycled materials by myself. Tons of techniques, tips, and tricks to grow veggies, build soil, raise chickens, insects and care for trees using 100% natural techniques. Nature is perfect already, for our maximum benefit we must learn nature's systems and how to work in synergy with them. Support on:

Elevated Nature Sounds


Welcome to Elevated Nature Sounds Channel What is a sound frequency? Sound frequency refers to the rate of vibration of sound waves per unit of time, measured in hertz (Hz). These waves are created by the movement of an object, such as a guitar string or a vocal cord, which causes pressure changes in the surrounding air. These changes in pressure travel through the air as sound waves, which we hear as sound. The frequency of a sound wave determines its pitch. Low frequencies produce low-pitched sounds, such as a bass guitar or a rumbling thunderstorm, while high frequencies produce high-pitched sounds, such as a bird's chirp or a whistle. Our brain and body respond to sound frequencies in various ways. For example, low-frequency sounds can induce feelings of relaxation and calmness, while high-frequency sounds can create a sense of alertness and focus. Certain frequencies have also been shown to have therapeutic effects on the body, such as reducing anxiety and promoting healing.

The Rio Times: Latin America and Alternative Narratives


The Rio Times is a Swiss-owned independent English-language publication dedicated to anyone interested in Brazil, Latin America and Alternative Narratives. It was launched in June 2009 as a print and digital publication aiming to offer clear and concise coverage of news and current affairs in Brazil and Latin America in English. We do so by curating existing news sources, primarily Portuguese and Spanish-language media outlets that publish content online. We strive for accuracy, balance, and fairness in our coverage, but we are only as good as our sources, most of which are Latin America's leading newspapers and magazines.



Welcome to Natureissupernatural, where adrenaline-pumping stunts, awe-inspiring adventures, and breathtaking landscapes collide! Get ready to embark on an epic journey as we push the boundaries of excitement and explore the wonders of nature. Join us as we soar through the skies, conquer rugged terrains, and dive into the depths of thrilling escapades. From heart-stopping daredevil stunts to mind-blowing encounters with Mother Nature's most magnificent creations, natureissupernatural is your gateway to a world where every moment is an adrenaline rush. Immerse yourself in jaw-dropping vistas, hidden gems, and mind-boggling feats that will leave you in awe. Prepare to be inspired, thrilled, and captivated by the stunning views, heart-racing action, and the sheer beauty of our planet. Join us on this exhilarating expedition and experience the thrill of a lifetime with our channel.

BAM! Belgian Alternative Media Verified


BAM! est un nouveau média alternatif, pluraliste, optimiste, rigoureux, impertinent et, surtout, indépendant. Nous sommes un collectif de citoyens, issus de catégories socio-professionnelles et générationnelles variées, journalistes, militants, entrepreneurs, commerçants, artistes… soucieux de défendre, aujourd’hui plus que jamais, la liberté d’opinion. Notre motivation: aborder sans tabou la crise actuelle de la Covid-19, en questionnant les enjeux scientifiques démocratiques, économiques, psychologiques, philosophiques, environnementaux et culturels qui en découlent. Constatant que les médias officiels jouent de moins en moins leur rôle critique, nous voulons recréer le débat et avoir un impact sur l’opinion publique, en donnant une information rigoureuse, éclairante et non biaisée, qui permette à chacun de faire son opinion.

Cory - Nature Is The Answer


To connect all generations with a message in a mission; a mission in a message. Subscribe if you want the world to get thinking more or in the effort to understand more of the world around us. Let's build a community. Willing to question anything and everything, I am not afraid to speak out openly. LEARN & ACT (Be The Change): By: Cory Edmund Endrulat (Born: 2000) - Author, Speaker, "No Title" - Fellow Messenger Of The "Nature Is The Answer" Movement - Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach - Natural Law Teacher - Modern Abolitionist ALL LINKS (With Livestreaming & Other Platforms): Analysis, Dot-Connecting, Documentaries, Seminars, Recipes, Resources, Public Events, Live-Streams and More! **Note: I make absolutely no money from this video channel, no incentive other than care** Support All My Work & Efforts (Buy Me A Coffee):

The Way To Native Chronicles


This channel features a variety of outdoors and hunting-related topics, ranging from wall tent camping, moose hunts, field preparation of game, trapping, reloading ammunition and even most aspects of bullet casting. Because I'm usually up to something, content is added frequently, but not unless I feel I have something useful or interesting to deliver. As its name suggests, what sets this channel apart from the usual is due to my wife. "Treaty Indian" (Canada), her side of the family puts a different spin on the way we hunt, when we hunt (she can do so all year), how we camp and how we handle game for consumption - both for the table and for use clothing. She is skilled in the traditional art of making moccasins, moss bags and such. This is complimented by being licensed trappers and having a trapline of our own. That gives us the supply of pelts needed for native crafts. For a look at our trapline you can check out the video entitled, "An Introduction To Our Trapline."

The Nature of the Cage


You need to know that you are in cage before you can escape from that cage... On this channel we have put together some of the best videos we could find relating to dealing with the main form of oppression in the western world. If you are experience problems with debt, debt collectors, bailiffs or the Police then we have put together playlist showing people in the real world actually dealing with theses problems at a ground level. The playlists will be constantly updated and we welcome all suggestions. Knowledge is POWER and the route to happiness.

BBC Earth


Celebrating nature, science, space and the human race, BBC Earth brings you face to face with heart-pounding action, mind-blowing ideas and the sheer wonder of being part of this amazing planet we call home. BBC Earth is the official channel of well-known Sir David Attenborough series such as Planet Earth, Frozen Planet and Blue Planet II. It is also where you can find fantastic nature and wildlife documentaries such as Life of Mammals and classics like Planet Dinosaur. And you can become part of the BBC community by checking out our BBC Earth Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Here you'll find the best natural history content from the web, exclusive videos and images and a thriving, vibrant community. Want to share your views with the team? Join our BBC Studios Voice: This is a commercial channel from BBC Studios.

Natureba Curas Naturais


Aqui no Natureba você vai ver receitas naturais e informações sobre saúde e bem estar. O acompanhamento de um profissional da área de saúde é fundamental para uma boa saúde. O Natureba é um espaço informativo, de divulgação e educação com temas relacionados a saúde, nutrição e bem-estar. As informações e sugestões contidas nos vídeos têm caráter meramente informativo, não devendo ser utilizado como substituto de diagnóstico ou diagnóstico médico sem antes consultar um profissional de saúde - médicos, nutricionistas, psicólogos, profissionais de educação física e outros especialistas. OBS: Remédios naturais também tem efeitos colaterais, já que agem de formas diferentes em cada organismo, por isso antes de usar qualquer tratamento alternativo consulte sempre seu médico.