Comic Relief Crusader


2020 All content posted on this channel is (C) Copyright 2007-2021 by Mike Lorber. All rights reserved. "Comic Relief Crusader" are trademark of Mike Lorber. 2022 All content posted on this channel is (C) Copyright 2007-2022 by Mike Lorber. All rights reserved. "Drop Off Comics" are trademarks of Mike Lorber. Comic Relief Crusader is the YouTube channel of Mike Lorber, a graphic designer, superhero, and pop culture critic, featuring reviews and commentary on films, tv, comic books, and more! Fighting the evil WOKENESS in our darkest hour and how it kills our community of AWESOMENESS! The Comic Relief Crusader YOUTUBE: STORE: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: EMAIL:

Modern Muscle Xtreme


Dave Weber, the founder and owner of Modern Muscle Performance / Modern Muscle Xtreme has a long history of Chrysler engine development. What began simply as two brothers sharing a love of racing in their 1971 Duster as a hobby ended up being Mr. Weber’s life-long commitment to automotive performance and development on many levels. With decades of experience, Dave and MMX has reputation of premium quality parts at very competitive prices and a ton of very high profile hot rod builds. Simply stop by's build section to view just a small sample of all of the high performance rides, including a all-wheel-drive monster that appears each week on the Discovery Channel. You might have heard of AZN's "Jeeper Sleeper," from the show "Street Outlaws". Well, that monster hot rod is one of our very own builds.

Minimalist Fitness


10 years ago I realized I could put on muscle mass with nothing but bodyweight exercise aka progressive calisthenics. 8 years ago I realized I could improve my strength, speed, and conditioning without moving a muscle. 1 year ago I realized I was barely scratching the surface. The human body is amazing and there is a long history of folks who have attained great strength and muscular development with none of the gadgets and pills we have today. This is what I focus on and teach others about. So whether you are young or old, male or female, there's a way to progressively move your body and contract your muscles to lose weight, enhance strength, improve speed, gain muscle, and lastly... cultivate energy(ATP/Mitochondria/That Dawg In You). So come check out Nerve and Muscle Fitness. Videos, Blogging, free E-books, not-free E-books, Guidance, and a little laugh here and there.

Fujifilm User Channel


This channel was created for testing purposes. I test the settings and take a photo or record a video. I do it in my free time, irregularly and when I have an idea or desire. It's just a hobby outside of normal work. I have no plans to turn this channel into a new source of income or to get a new job. After a long analysis of various types of photographic equipment, I chose Fujifilm as the one that suits ME best. What is important to me is the most accurate reflection of the reality I see, and this is what I found in the X-T1 and now X-H2 models. I don't rule out other models in the future, but for now both are brilliant. Most movie and photo locations: Berlin/Germany or Northern Italy