Minister Jap Network

1,942 Followers and The Minister Jap Network are multimedia platforms that offer entertainment, motivation, advice, current events, & etc for the black community. The owner, creator, and personality “Minister Jap” designed this platform for brothers and sisters to freely discuss issues we face in the black community without being filtered or censored. Minister Jap has become an internet sensation with his harsh delivery and witty perspective of different topic dealing with black people. Raised on the south side of the Chicagoland area Jap learned a lot dealing with the streets, corporations, relationships and etc. Jap takes his personal experiences and assesses them and offers the masses game and knowledge so that they can make chess moves in life. Jap’s main focus is educating black women on the importance of marrying before they have children.

Party Like A Rockstar Podcast


Joel "Roadie" Miller toured w/ bands like Guns N' Roses, Poison, the Cranberries, & Stone Temple Pilots. His book, MEMOIR OF A ROADIE, was the #1 new release on Amazon in bios and has since sold millions of copies through Kindle. Writer, Producer & Director of the 2006 award winning film THE STILL LIFE, Miller distributed both the film & soundtrack through Warner Bros. The song God's Reasons performed by Darius Rucker & co - written by Miller found success through Christian radio. Working as one of the worlds foremost art & memorabilia dealers, Miller owns the complete original hand written sheet music to Pink Floyd's ground breaking album THE WALL. The sheet music is currently on loan to the band for museum display purposes. Miller's extensive background in all forms entertainment have made him a well respected presence in the music industry. We hope you are enjoying PARTY LIKE A ROCKSTAR PODCAST as much as Joel is!

Historias y Misterios


✔ Historias y Misterios es un canal de vídeos, dedicado para todo el que les gusta las historias extrañas y casos insólitos que suceden en todo el mundo . ✔ Historias de terror, para los que le gustan los temas escalofriantes que te dejarán con los pelos rizos. ✔ Contamos Historias y recreamos las leyendas y anécdotas que nos envían, por que ustedes son los protagonistas. ✔ Encontrarás los mas extraños casos referente a los Ovnis Extraterrestres, Sirenas, Duendes, Entretenimiento tecnología, Ciencias, Misterios, conspiraciones, Historias de Terror, y otros casos. ✔ Desde Rep Dom Para el mundo.



I want to thank all the new subscribers to my music channel, I don't take any of you for granted because anyone that listens is a blessing! Please smash, like, subscribe because I don't do "Screw Tube". Google is evil! I do some acoustic covers and originals and I'm trying to form a rock band on the side called "The Dead Rockstars" and mainly this channel is for that! I'm working on this project: The Dead Rockstars 2024 Demo - I'm shooting for about 6 Original songs and maybe 1 cover. As of right now I'm having do do everything (Guitars, base, vocals, drums, song writing) myself. So these songs take time. But, I'll do my best to put out good quality music here. History? Well i got into music when I was 15 down on Florida. I could write a damn book on the high strangeness of my music career. I've been in a long string of various bands playing keyboard, bass, and guitars. I even had a short stint as the singer in a skate-thrash band for a few months when i was 17 in high school!