Texas Nationalist Movement Verified


News, analysis, and updates from the Texas Nationalist Movement focused on Texas politics, independence, and self-governance. Covering key legislative developments, grassroots activism, and historical perspectives, our videos provide insight into the movement for Texas independence and the broader issues affecting Texans. Stay informed with exclusive interviews, expert commentary, and on-the-ground reports. Subscribe to stay connected with the latest discussions on Texas sovereignty and political affairs.

We've Read The Documents


The official Rumble for the channel We've Read The Documents. Many people claim they have the documents, but we are the few that have read them! Follow me on X: https://twitter.com/weve_read Follow me on Gorf.com: https://www.gorf.com/Weve_Read I have made a Patreon for We've Read the Documents. You can subscribe for $5 a month if you would like for more / earlier content. New content will be uploaded to all services, no need to subscribe to all of them. https://www.patreon.com/weveread I have made a Substack for We've Read the Documents. You can subscribe for $5 a month if you would like access to the rough drafts of my book on The Finders and other blogs. https://weveread.substack.com/ Donations: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/weveread All subscriptions and donations are much appreciated! The views, opinions, and information, guests, our Rumble channel's live Rumble channel's comment section disclose do not necessarily reflect the views or beliefs of We've Read the Documents. Do your own research! God Bless!

Documenting Antifa Violence


I post Videos of Antifa and other Far-left groups. Despite what the media and Democrats say, Antifa is real. Most of the videos are re-uploads of old, lost, deleted, or just backups of videos all over the internet that I have collected over the years. I post the videos in the order they happened which is why you see the numbers in the title of the video. Aditional pictures and news post about the events that happened can be found here: https://gab.com/DocumentingAntifaViolence

Raelian Movement


What if, out of the thousands of UFO sightings that occur each year, one person actually met the occupant – the “driver” of one of these UFOs? And what if this person were given information by this space-being that explained the secret history of life on Earth and its pending future? And, what if all this information had been published decades ago and acknowledged by thousands of people, including scientists and historians? Wouldn\'t you like to read that book? You can download it free at https://www.rael.org/downloads/



A atividade física regular promove a melhora da postura corporal, combate o excesso de peso e o acúmulo de gordura, é menos suscetível a doenças cardíacas, melhora o tônus ​​muscular, reduz o estresse e o desconforto, aumenta a elasticidade e flexibilidade do corpo, aumenta a autoestima, melhora a qualidade e a expectativa de vida, Fortalece o sistema imunológico e promove níveis mais baixos de colesterol. Dá-nos mais energia e carácter para as nossas tarefas diárias. A atividade física também é boa para a saúde mental. Como resultado, nossa atenção aumentará, aumentando assim a eficiência do trabalho e do estudo. Antes de iniciar qualquer programa de atividade física, converse com seu médico sobre qual atividade física você pode fazer. A atividade física tem benefícios a longo prazo, por isso não há milagres, é necessário foco e persistência.

StopDevaluation Movement


The #StopDevaluation movement is for those who will challenge themselves to be the change makers within culture. This means refusing to participate in gossip, rumors, slander, and bigotry. It means choosing love over hate, knowledge over bias, mercy over judgement, and kindness over insult. It means believing and speaking the best of everyone and confronting those who bring harm in healthy ways. These powerful choices will change us, and we can change our world.