Praveen Mohan - Hindu Temples


Hi, thanks for landing here! I am Praveen Mohan and I like to travel to ancient sites around the world. My subscribers are awesome and they have helped me appear on TV shows (yes, Ancient Aliens on History Channel also) , magazines, podcasts, etc, etc. I am deeply interested in Ancient Technology and specifically love to research ancient Hindu temples. I appreciate your support for helping me unlock the secret science hidden in temples of India. I love exploring the concepts of Ancient Machining, Vimanas, UFO, extraterrestrials, and recreating the wisdom of our ancestors. Thank you for watching my videos and have a great day!

Mosin Virus


2011 was the year I bought my first Mosin Nagant 91/30. Since then, like many others, I have caught the surplus bug. Not sure if it was the smell of cosmoline, or something else, but I am now completely fascinated with firearms, and it all started with one Mosin Nagant... I have many interests, not just firearms, so don't be surprised to see videos depicting my other interests here as well. Though all of my interests revolve around keeping my hands busy, so if you are into watching this kind of stuff, please stay awhile.