FTC Meow - Cats Rescue


Welcome to FTC Meow Rescue! 🐾 Hello, I’m Samnang, my wife and I share a passion for rescuing and caring for animals. On this channel, I share our journey of rescuing stray cats and kittens who are in poor health or need extra care. I try my best to help them recover, using veterinary techniques to treat and heal them. 🐾❤️ Everyone is also an animal lover when they watch my videos. ❤️If you enjoy helping stray animals like I do, please click subscribe, like, and share. Follow My Journey: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ftcmeow_Rescuse_cat Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/somnang.vannira?mibextid=LQQJ4d 🏦 Donate to FTC Meow via PayPal: paypal.me/BigDawsonSitra?country.x=BH&locale.x=en_US Thank you for watching and sharing your love for cats.🐾 #CatRescue #SaveCats #StrayCatRescue #FTCMeow #AnimalLovers #CatCare