Humble Mechanic Verified


On Humble Mechanic we talk about many areas of the car repair world. I teach about cars, car parts, and even do DIY videos. Also, if you are a mechanic, or thinking about becoming a technician or mechanic I show you how to get started I am a master certified Volkswagen technician. I have been fixing broken VWs for over 10 years. I have also been training and mentoring young techs for about 10 years. I have seen a lot in my career, and I am happy to share those experiences with you.

Bechabee Music


Bechabee Music makes it our specialty to create videos and audios for relaxation, meditation, and sleeping. Our music can be described as sleep music, calm music, yoga exercise music, study music, peaceful music, spa music, zen music, beautiful music, romantic music, relaxing music, and nature music. We use relaxing nature scenes and sounds and combine it with relaxing music. We will be using our original music and covers as well. We try to keep most of our content suitable for everyone of any age, gender, beliefs, or nationality. We upload new video collections every week, and constantly update our sounds and visuals! We always welcome comments, feedback & suggestions to improve our channel so we encourage everyone to engage with us on all our social media account.