Dr. Scott Young - NESARA & Hope in the Last Days!


Here are the Writings and Teachings of Dr. Scott Young. I have spent 37 years studying the Bible related to Medical topics that prove Scripture is true. I, therefore, teach threef series: 1. The Truth and Lies of What We Believe - a practical understanding of the meanings of the words in the Bible and answering the hardest questions of the Word. 2. Hope in the Last Days - This is a step-by-step 13 weeks series in which we walk through why 29% of the Word discusses the End Times and how not to be fearful of it. 3. We also indicate how history and money interact together inside of NESARA and how the Bible confirms those views.

Scooter Tramp Scotty - Only Gypsy Road Stories


On the road since the spring of 1995, these are the stories of a full-time motorcycle drifter’s life. On those first long rides my spirit came alive in a way that eluded home life completely. The search for a way to stay gone indefinitely began. But it was not a hardship life of sleeping in city parks I sought, but hoped instead to engineer a way that was comfortable enough to work as a fulltime lifestyle. There were many lessons, some extremely hard won, but over time, and with the use of 100 unorthodox techniques, I eventually achieved that objective very well. In the spring of 1995, I left to see if it was possible to stay gone for a year and have been on the road full time ever since. When engaged in such a life, the plethora of unavoidable and unplanned adventures that will always cross one’s path seem endless. This channel is simply a culmination of these experiences.

Sailing Knotty Nature


We are the crew of Knotty Nature, Katie and Brian. Two Artists from Sunny California taking the adventurous plunge into becoming live aboard sailors. We are ditching the preverbal work boots to enjoy the world of traveling, digging our toes into the sand and creating art as we see it. Katie was an Embalmer for many years, with an Art Degree that was looming to be used. Brian is an Award winning Tattoo Artist of 30 years, that has decided it's time we live that life we want. We both have loved living life, experiencing other cultures, exploring the oceans above and below, and enjoy creating Art. Join us as we live, laugh, do Art, and Oil Paint as much of the world as we can, while Sailing Knotty Nature. We are always creating art and decided to have an online store. Please have a look from time to time, and help support the fun.