Max Igan


Max Igan is an Australian Activist who previously lived in New South Wales, Australia but now resides in Mexico. At his core…he is an ARTIST – both musical and visual, adept in Photoshop, Bryce and a few other 3D programs. Ultimately, his broad experience of humanity makes him uniquely capable of fresh insights with far-reaching implications. In his many videos, He brings his powerful vision to lay bare the hidden crimes of the Globalists. Both his intellect and his tongue are sharp and those who seek Freedom are strengthen by his powerful observations that he shares in his videos which can be found on Freedom platforms such as Bitchute, Rumble and many others. Though he traveled the world as a musician, interacting with all variations of humanity, his nature remains solitary and reflective. His worldly travels opened his awareness to a broad spectrum of perspectives which enable him to delve deep with an insightful vision into topics and ideas too often overlooked. As a devoted father, he took up playing with his son the internet game, “Enemy Territory.” This lead to him and his son joining a ‘clan’ which is comprised of players from around the world. many who have become some of his dearest friends be they 14 or 50. Ultimately, his broad experience of humanity makes him uniquely capable of fresh insights with far-reaching implications. “A traveling musician lives more on the “outside of society” than within its confines but because of that, and because of the music, a musician is able to meet, and interact, with a great many people from all walks of life and a great many countries, cultures and classes that many other people are not. This gives them a unique perspective. If they are astute, take advantage of such situations and learn from such interaction, they are able to gain a valuable insight and understanding of many facets of human kind and many things that remain unseen and unknown to most other people.” – Max Igan

Jordan Maxwell Collection Verified


Jordan Maxwell continues as a preeminent researcher and independent scholar in the field of occult religious philosophy. His interest in these subjects began as far back as 1959. He served for three and a half years as the Religion Editor of Truth Seeker Magazine, Americas oldest Freethought Journal (since 1873). His work exploring the hidden foundations of Western religions and secret societies creates enthusiastic responses from audiences around the world.

Peter Maxwell Slattery


Offical Channel Assisting the spiritual seeker with tips and tools to embrace the human experience and multidimensional mind, Pete has taught many worldwide to meditate, remote view, and initiate contact with extraterrestrials. Jaya Sanctuary in Victoria Australia, Peter Maxwell Slattery can be reached… Pete has appeared on History Channel's Ancient Aliens and Paranormal Caught On Camera, Channel 7's Prime News, and Sunrise, and many other international television programs. He has made worldwide news, been in numerous documentaries, been written about in magazines, and has been a guest on mainstream radio shows, including Coast-to-Coast AM. He is also in the movies The Cosmic Secret, James Gilliland's Contact Has Begun 2, Multidimensional, and Ascension: The UFO and Paranormal Connection, released in 2023.​ For more go to websites Peter Maxwell Slattery Jaya Sanctuary ECETI Australia

Maxwell Finn


Born into a family of entrepreneurs, Maxwell Finn was raised to have an eye for creative opportunity. Maxwell's first ecom business, Startup Drugz, ushered him into the potential of Facebook advertising & was eventually sold to Russell Brunson, the founder of ClickFunnels. Max co-founded his first agency, Quantum Media, with Jeremy Adams & Kevin Harrington (the original Shark from Shark Tank.) The agency ran Facebook ads & sales funnels for several Fortune 500 companies, including 3M. Since 2018 his Facebook ad courses have generated millions in profit & helped over 10,000 marketers achieve tremendous success on the platform. After being permanently banned by Facebook Max has gone all in on TikTok ads & has quickly become one of the leading authorities running ads for brands like Snow Teeth Whitening, ClickFunnels, Posh Peanut & Onnit. His TikTok Insiders training program has already helped 1,000+ marketers learn how to profitably run TikTok ads.