Mark Harbert


I’m Mark Harbert and I am here to help you get more traffic, leads and sales for your business without all the hype and fluff you see online. My first priority is my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I am a big family man, and I am here to help people that want to make an impact on this world positively. After getting laid off from my job in 2009, I went on to build a multiple 6-figure annual income an earned millions in commissions. I have since focused on helping and training students from all over the world how to create a profitable online business with the latest secrets and lead generation strategies. I have earned well over $3 million via several income streams: affiliate marketing, software, digital courses, coaching, advertising and much more. Follow along here on my channel and get honest, no BS, real talk advice from someone who has navigated the hurdles to find online success. Subscribe now and join me in impacting the world. I am here to serve you. God Bless. 🙏🏻

The Wayfarers Stories


From the prequel DREAMS to the most recent release X FOUR ONES, The Wayfarers Stories are gritty, edgy, emotional, and unconventional End-Times, post-Apocalyptic novels written through the view of author Jim Yackel as he sees current world conditions and more so prognosticates on and anticipates events to come. The story lines encompass the technological, medical, AI, intrusive biometric surveillance, war, and the supernatural. Within those contexts, there are the interpersonal relationships of the characters and dashes of love and romance. There is humorous banter intermixed with serious conversation. There are Christians who struggle in their faith, but most of all, there is the scarlet thread of redemption. Check out The Wayfarers Stories series in Kindle and print here:



About This Game: Marauders is a first-person multiplayer looter shooter set in industrialized deep-space. Step into the boots of a lawless space pirate and embark on daring raids for valuable loot, breach and steal from other ships, and face off against other players in tactical and immersive combat. 🔥 Twitch Channel 🔥 🔥 Main YouTube 🔥 🔥 Instagram 🔥 🔥 Sponsor 🔥 #marauders #maraudersgameplay #maraudersreview #marauderspc #maraudersmoments #guide #maraudersps5 #marauderstips #twitchstreamer #streamer #twitchfollowers #Marauder_GamerTTV #followmeontwitch #livenow #maraudershowto #followmeontwitchtv #maraudersgameplaynews #marauderswarfair #maraudersbeta #marauderssteam #partnerpush #maraudersfunnymoments #helpmegetpartnership #twitchpartner #help #marauderstrailer #maraudersnews #maraudersclosedbeta #maraudersalphagamepplay #files #maraudersvideogame