Shattering The Matrix


This is the Empowerment Channel! Check out all the latest information that keeps us "aware" about the sinister forces that have been keeping this planet hostage. Get information about the Matrix, the Archontic Influence, The effect of Negative Aliens on the planet and why so much grief happens in an individual level and a planetary level. Learn about the Solutions that will allow us to break free of this spell and what humanity has to do to create the world that was intended by the Original Divine Blueprint. By uncovering and exposing those forces that are currently working in stealth, we can finally shine a light on the darkness and allow humanity to rise to it's greatness!

Natural Eyesight Improvement - Dr. Bates' Method


I preserve Ophthalmologist William H. Bates M. D. books, magazine, medical articles in paper, e-book and videos. FREE Natural Eyesight Improvement Training. Dr. Bates history; See our websites and Dr. Bates, Clark Night's (my pen name) Amazon page; 165 videos on our YouTube channel; Many old editions are free in PDF and have audio training in the chapters; New Editions are only in paperback, hardcover and Kindle. See our Copyright, Disclaimer, Directions and a list of Unnatural methods, bad teachers to avoid;