Manly Palmer Hall


This channel is dedicated to upload series of talks from Manly Palmer Hall Manly Palmer Hall (March 18, 1901 – August 29, 1990) was a Canadian-born author, lecturer, philosopher, astrologer and mystic. He is best known for his 1928 work The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Over his 70 year career, he gave thousands of lectures, including two at Carnegie Hall, and published over 150 volumes. In 1934, he founded The Philosophical Research Society in Los Angeles, which he dedicated to the "Truth Seekers of All Time", with a research library, lecture hall and publishing house. Many of his lectures can be found online and his books are still in print.

Charisma News


About Charisma News Informing believers with news from a Spirit-filled perspective To passionate, Spirit-filled Christians, Charisma News is the most trusted source for credible news and insight from a charismatic perspective. Since 1975, Charisma magazine has reported on what the Holy Spirit is doing around the world. That award-winning news coverage quickly became the calling card for the magazine, as believers from across denominations turned to Charisma for the latest stories related to"life in the Spirit." In the 1990s and 2000s, Charisma continued to lead the way for Christian news outlets through such vehicles as a news wire service, television news specials and a robust website. Today Charisma News has developed into its own brand under the Charisma umbrella, offering breaking news coverage 24/7 in every digital format available. Just as Charisma magazine is the voice of the charismatic movement, Charisma News is the go-to source for believers who want the latest news delivered with trusted insight from a Spirit-filled perspective.

Emmanuel TV


Founded by T.B. Joshua of The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) in Lagos, Nigeria, Emmanuel TV is a television station with one way and one job. The way is Jesus Christ and the job is to talk about Him to others through words and deeds. Our motto is simple - changing lives, changing nations and changing the world. God\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Word is the most effective instrument for change. The people hear and change. Nations hear and change. The world hears and changes. "Emmanuel" means \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'God is with us\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' (Matthew 1:23)! We encourage you to watch Emmanuel TV and witness the power of God in action. God keeps giving us plenty of evidence to believe in Him!