Making Art


My name is Michael Keane. I am an artist and I work in the healing arts as well. Painting is one of my passions, and it is one of the ways I like to spend my free time. Creative practices have always been an important part of my life in many ways. This channel began as a medium for my painting timelapses, and as a way to share my personal creative practice. I chose Rumble because I believe that they are the most empowering platform for artists and creators, and I support their principles, vision, and mission. I was so impressed that I became an investor. My hope is to bring a bit of creativity and art to the platform in my own way. Like all art projects tend to do, it continues to grow from its original concept. I keep learning as I go, and I plan to continue to experiment with streaming and video making, and I am excited to keep creating on Rumble into the foreseeable future. Follow to see my videos and get notified when I go live, only on Rumble. Visit my website here:

Call Of Duty


Hello Guys Welcome To My Channel My Original Name Was X-aimbot-zz ,N-Aimbot_Wetrust For Many Years On Call Of Duty Way Before Aimbot Was A Thing But As Of Recently I Change My Name There Are Way To Many Youtubers And Twitch Streamers Using The Name Aimbot For Now On I Will Be Called #1KillChain If You Want Real Aimbot Settings And Class Setup Then You Come To The Right Place #Aimbot #Dmz #modernwarfare2 #killtage #1killchain #mw #sbmm #easywins #murdershow best class #setupk3chainfeed #1killchainmp40 class setup mp40, best class setup,call of duty warzone #warzonepacificppsh #warzone classppsh #warzoneclass, setup best ppsh, warzone best ppsh, class warzone,timmys,spm ugrclass,#campofduty #rankclass class-s, cod Check these Channels Out They Have Good Content I Love Them @ChainFeeds @TheKoreanSavage @DeadSh0tDaiquiri @THE SMACK UNIT @Swagg @LadyKillChain @MURDASHOW ​@Dieow @Call of Shame ​

The Road to Making Bank


Two mates discuss entrepreneurial concepts and the steps they are taking to become financially independent. Instagram - @theroadtomakingbank LISTEN ON THE PODCAST WEBSITE - LISTEN ON SPOTIFY - LISTEN ON APPLE PODCASTS - LISTEN ON MANY OTHER PLATFORMS - If you are looking for a podcast host, we can recommend Buzzsprout. Here is a referral link which will give you $20 credit after 2 billing cycles -