

Asking yourself the crucial question, "What is Money?" is the key that will let you down the metaphorical rabbit hole of fresh questions, insights into socioeconomic reality, and paradigm-shifting discoveries. In a world awash in deceit, it is without a doubt the most important question we can ask ourselves. Through in-depth discussions with a wide range of deep thinkers from various backgrounds, we will tenaciously follow this "rabbit" in our unrelenting pursuit of the truth. Within the XRP & XLM communities, Robert Breedlove is a freedom maximalist, former hedge fund manager, and philosopher. In his view, XRP & XLM is essentially a humanitarian project that exposes central banking, the biggest scam in human history. We are reviving hope for humanity's future by discovering the relationship between honest money, entrepreneurship, and civilization. Robert's goal is to establish freedom, truth, and virtue once again in our world by persistently posing the query, "What is Money?"



rumble/catlover,cat funny\n\n\nPet owners have been pigeonholed for almost as long as cats and dogs have been domesticated. If you\\\'re a cat person, you must surely be aloof, cautious and independent, and if you\\\'re a dog lover you\\\'re more friendly, playful and loyal, right? Researchers from the University of Texas at Austin recently set out to examine whether these ideas hold any truth. Using a global online survey, they asked 4,500 people to identify themselves as a cat person, dog person, neither or both. Then they had to pick which characteristics best fitted them – openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness or neuroticism. The results were almost exactly as you\\\'d expect. The majority of respondents who said they were more introverted and sensitive turned out to be cat people, while those who thought of themselves as extroverted and agreeable were typically dog fans. In follow-up studies, researchers found supporting evidence that dog lovers are also lively and follow rules, while cat people are more inhibited and non-conformist. And, in one controversial finding, cat people scored higher on intelligence tests than dog people!