Max Velocity Tactical


Max Velocity Tactical (MVT) has established a reputation on the leading edge of tactical live fire and force on force training. At MVT we are dedicated to developing and training tactical excellence at the individual and team level. Max Velocity Tactical operates the Velocity Training Center (VTC) tactical and leadership training facility near to Romney, West Virginia, where we provide training for US Special Operations Forces and Responsible Citizens. Max is a tactical trainer and author, a lifelong professional soldier with extensive military experience. He served with British Special Operations Forces. Max served on numerous operational deployments, and also a tour as a recruit instructor. Max spent five years serving as a paramilitary contractor in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

Patriot Lo-Fi


Welcome to Patriot LoFi Radio, relaxing music with Liberty and Justice for all. This stream and music is provided for free under the Value for Value model. If you enjoy it, please join our Patreon and help us keep the music flowing! Memberships include free track downloads and sneak peeks. Higher tiers even get exclusive secret tracks and shout-outs on the stream! Your support is important! You can also send sats to the podcast, we are compatible with Podcasting2.0! All original content. All rights reserved.

Direita no Brasil [Oficial]


eja bem-vindo(a) ao nosso canal de notícias sobre política e conservadorismo no Brasil! Aqui você encontrará análises, opiniões e cobertura dos principais eventos e acontecimentos políticos no país, sempre com uma abordagem conservadora e comprometida com os valores tradicionais. Nossa equipe de jornalistas e analistas políticos está constantemente acompanhando as notícias e trazendo informações atualizadas sobre temas como economia, relações internacionais, segurança pública, educação, cultura e muito mais. Além disso, também promovemos debates e entrevistas com personalidades importantes do cenário político e intelectual brasileiro, buscando sempre oferecer uma visão plural e informada sobre os assuntos em pauta. Se você busca uma fonte confiável de informação e análise política, aliada a uma visão conservadora e comprometida com os valores da família, da liberdade e da democracia, este é o lugar certo. Inscreva-se em nosso canal e não perca nenhuma atualização. Mário Robert

Lofi Music - beats to relax/study to


Welcome to "Lofi Vibes"! If you're in search of an auditory escape to calm the mind and nourish the soul, you've come to the right place. Our channel is dedicated to providing a relaxing auditory experience through the magic of lofi music. 🎶 Daily Content: Enjoy a carefully curated selection of lofi tracks, perfect for accompanying your moments of study, work, meditation, or simply unwinding after a long day. We update our content daily to ensure you always have new musical discoveries to soundtrack your quieter moments.

Lofi Chill


Herzlich willkommen auf dem YouTube-Kanal von Lofi Chill! Tauche ein in die entspannende Welt der Lo-Fi Hip-Hop Beats und lass dich von der magischen Atmosphäre ihrer Musik verzaubern. Auf meinem YouTube-Kanal teil ich regelmäßig hochwertige Lo-Fi Hip-Hop Beats, die perfekt zum Lernen, Entspannen und Abschalten geeignet sind. Die Tracks zeichnen sich durch eine gekonnte Balance zwischen rhythmischen Elementen und atmosphärischen Klängen aus, die eine harmonische Hintergrundmusik für jede Gelegenheit bieten. 🚫 If you have any problem with copyright issues do not report me, take your time to contact us via mail, and we will response within 7 Days - 💌💌