

Hi, I'm a video creator with a passion for capturing the wild world of great apes. I’ve been sharing my journey on YouTube, where I’ve had the incredible honour of reaching one million subscribers. It’s been an amazing experience, and I’m grateful to everyone who’s been part of this adventure. My work focuses on filming the lives of great apes, including Gorillas, Chimpanzees, and Orangutans. These majestic creatures have so much to teach us, and I’m dedicated to showcasing their behaviour, social dynamics, and natural habitats.



Welcome to FMWorld Cosmetics, where beauty meets innovation and empowerment. As the founder and driving force behind FMWorld Cosmetics, [Your Name] has dedicated herself to creating a beauty brand that celebrates individuality, creativity, and self-expression. With a passion for makeup and a vision for excellence,] launched FMWorld Cosmetics with the mission of redefining standards of beauty and making high-quality cosmetics accessible to all. Drawing inspiration from her own experiences as a makeup artist and entrepreneur, FMWORLD has curated a diverse range of products that cater to every skin tone, type, and style. From luxurious foundations that provide flawless coverage to vibrant eyeshadow palettes that ignite creativity, FMWorld Cosmetics offers a comprehensive selection of cosmetics designed to inspire confidence and elevate beauty routines. Each product is meticulously formulated using the finest ingredients and tested for safety, efficacy, and performance, ensuring that every application is a seamless and enjoyable experience. Join us on this journey of beauty, creativity, and empowerment. Whether you're looking to enhance your everyday look or make a bold statement for a special occasion, FM World Cosmetics has everything you need to express yourself with confidence and style. Welcome to a world where beauty knows no bounds – welcome to FM World Cosmetics. Experience the magic of FM Cosmetics today and discover the beauty that lies within you.



Hi, I'm a video creator with a passion for capturing the wild world of great apes. I’ve been sharing my journey on YouTube, where I’ve had the incredible honour of reaching one million subscribers. It’s been an amazing experience, and I’m grateful to everyone who’s been part of this adventure. My work focuses on filming the lives of great apes, including Gorillas, Chimpanzees, and Orangutans. These majestic creatures have so much to teach us, and I’m dedicated to showcasing their behaviour, social dynamics, and natural habitats.

Nueva Biología


Esta iniciativa nace con la necesidad de luchar por un profundo cambio en el paradigma biológico, a través del fundamento científico, la libertad y sobre todo la verdad. La biología ha sufrido desde la Revolución Industrial un proceso de comercialización, que ha desembocado es su uso como arma contra la población. Actualmente, nuestra sociedad vive temiendo a la naturaleza debido a mentiras tales como que «los virus son asesinos» o que «los animales pueden trasmitir enfermedades pandémicas que acaben con la Humanidad». Y todo ello, según nos cuentan, debido a la destrucción de la Tierra, que en realidad, están llevando a cabo las grandes corporaciones depredadoras. Excusa perfecta para librar a la sociedad humana de sus derechos, convirtiéndoles además en culpables de este sistema socioeconómico feroz, en el que la biología de los seres vivos nada tiene que ver y sí la avaricia de algunos seres humanos. La verdad que nos esconden es clara, jamás van a solucionar la destrucción masiva que sufre nuestro planeta y tampoco quieren que nos enteremos que la biología es de una belleza espectacular, que los virus son el origen de la vida, que sin ellos no existiríamos y que forman parte mayoritaria y esencial de los genomas de todos los seres vivos. Convertirlos en enemigos es un atentado contra la vida en sí misma y un negocio redondo para algunos. Para luchar contra esta inmensa cantidad de desinformación, hemos creado esta plataforma. ¡Os esperamos!

Biblical Bible Prophecy Theologian


Biblical Bible Prophecy Theologian Timothy Campbell Watchman of the End Times (Martyrdom777), Through God's word I will bring you fact from the Bible of the end times Prophecy of the Gog and Magog war/s, the Destruction of Damascus Syria, Harpazo - the Rapture, Tribulation, 3rd Temple, the Great Tribulation, the Anti-Christ, the Two Witnesses, the Second Coming of our Lord and Savior, the Millennium, Armageddon, the Lake of Fire, Deep State, I been a Christian since 1981, however, I been walking a righteous path since June 4th. 2011, I been studying the Bible since 1994, I have been a Biblical Bible Prophecy Theologian of the End Times for 27 year, I am a real Christian Overcomer that walks a narrow path of righteousness that - Repents - Repentance - Repenting - Repented of my sins of Iniquity this is of Godliness of Holiness which is Righteousness - this is no ABC of Salvation - you need to Repent by getting down on your knees and audibly sincere from deep within from your heart soul out audibly in front of a witness/s to confess that you except Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and that you believe he Jesus the Christ dead for your / ours sins and was buried arose in three days and ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father then you beg Jesus God and the Holy Spirit to forgive you of Repentance for your iniquity of sins Yesterday in the Past and Today in the Present and for all unseen sins and even the sins in your dream that you have no control over them, (I'm not of this once saved always saved theology doctrine) you can still lose your salvation. May God bless you all, God Bless

Ufologia gli Anunnaki Torneranno


Nella mitologia sumera il termine Anunnaki (o Anunnaku), ossia "figli di An", indica l\'insieme degli dèi sumeri. Essi erano costituiti in un\'assemblea, presieduta da An, dio del cielo. Tale assemblea si componeva dei sette supremi, di cui facevano parte i quattro principali dei creatori (An, Enlil, Enki, Ninhursag), con l\'aggiunta di Inanna, Utu e Sin e di 50 dei minori, detti anche Igigi.Secondo Zecharia Sitchin gli Annunaki sarebbero degli alieni provenienti da Nibiru, un pianeta del nostro sistema solare. Secondo questa tesi avrebbero avuto un ruolo importante nella veloce evoluzione della civiltà umana e in particolare di quella sumerica. I signori di Nibiru, sin dall\'antichità, sarebbero scesi sulla Terra per sfruttare le risorse minerarie del nostro pianeta. All\'inizio furono inviate delle sonde automatiche per verificare l\'abitabilità del nostro mondo. Quando il pianeta Nibiru giunse nel punto della sua orbita più vicino alla Terra fu inviata una prima spedizione umana capeggiata da Enlil, un nome che ricorre spesso nella mitologia dei Sumeri. I luoghi scelti furono la Valle del Nilo, la Valle dell\'Indo e la Mesopotamia