The Inner Circle Trader(ICT)


I am the Mentor of your Mentor. I am "The Ghost In The Machine". The Author & Creator of "Smart Money Concepts" and what many erroneously call Wyckoff Theory. There is absolutely nothing like what you are going to learn from me on this channel. I am often imitated, many have renamed my life's work... but you will see the Source of most things being marketed today as "Bank Trading", "SMC", "Interbank Trading"... and Price Action trading... sprouted right from the lectures and teachings I Authored. There is no Mentor who taught me these concepts. There is no "competitor" who can match these concepts. I have freely shared my Private Mentorship Core Content lectures to prevent frauds from reselling them and now you can see how many have plagiarized my concepts, and some have foolishly pretended to have created them themselves. Procure yourself some note taking instruments... roll up your sleeves... & discover how little you really knew until now. Enjoy, Michael J. Huddleston



The Fall of the Cabal - The Sequel. Exposing the Secret Global Cabal, Illuminati, New World Order, global corruption, corrupt government, genocide, depopulation, satanism, censorship, fake news, tyranny. ========================================== 'The Fall Of The Cabal' is a 10-part documentary series made by award-winning author and researcher Janet Ossebaard, that exposes the small group of people who run the world through their excessive wealth and power. The 'Sequel' to that documentary comprises 28 parts, and provides even more information about the cabal and their plans for the extermination of the human race. 'The Conclusion to the Fall of the Cabal' is a third documentary series, created by Cyntha Koeter, continuing where the previous "sequel' series left off, to expose "the identity of the cabal".



The Conclusion to the Fall of the Cabal, Exposing the Secret Global Cabal, Illuminati, New World Order, global corruption, corrupt government, genocide, depopulation, satanism, censorship, corrupt media, tyranny. ========================================== 'The Fall Of The Cabal' is a 10-part documentary series made by award-winning author and researcher Janet Ossebaard, that exposes the small group of people who run the world through their excessive wealth and power. The 'Sequel' to that documentary comprises 28 parts, and provides even more information about the cabal and their plans for the extermination of the human race. 'The Conclusion to the Fall of the Cabal' is a third documentary series, created by Cyntha Koeter, continuing where the previous "sequel' series left off, to expose "the identity of the cabal".



The Fall of the Cabal. Exposing the Secret Global Cabal, Illuminati, New World Order, global corruption, corrupt government, genocide, depopulation, satanism, censorship, fake news, tyranny. ========================================== 'The Fall Of The Cabal' is a 10-part documentary series made by award-winning author and researcher Janet Ossebaard, that exposes the small group of people who run the world through their excessive wealth and power. The 'Sequel' to that documentary comprises 28 parts, and provides even more information about the cabal and their plans for the extermination of the human race. 'The Conclusion to the Fall of the Cabal' is a third documentary series, created by Cyntha Koeter, continuing where the previous "sequel' series left off, to expose "the identity of the cabal".