Level Up - Leadership Studio


You aspire to be the best leader that you can be. We want to help you develop into a better version of yourself – to Level UP! This is the place for your leadership development, centered around topics that you are currently facing. Please share your specific issues, or questions with us at levelingupyou@gmail.com We will address your topics through pre-recorded videos, or, through live streaming events. If you are in a leadership position or plan to lead a team of people, subscribe and join us for weekly training and development videos! MONDAY: Weekly Topic WEDNESDAYS: Quick Tips, Tricks, Advice and Ideas FRIDAYS: Questions & Answers! MONTHLY: LIVE Discussion! Together we explore the challenges of leading people, what that means for us as leaders; how to hire, train, develop, engage, motivate, and master Leadership - in order to win. Join us!

The great success led to features on Spotify’s “RADAR: Early Noise 2021”, Apple Music’s “UP NEXT”, and


オルタナティブ、エモ、ラウドロックの要素やJ-ロックにみられるメロディアスなフローをヒップホップに落とし込んだスタイルで稀有な存在感を放つ(sic)boy( 読み:シックボーイ) 2019年にSoundCloud上に公開された楽曲の強度の高さが話題を呼び、昨年10月にリリースされた1stアルバム『CHAOS TAPE』は東京をテーマにした独自の世界観とジャンルレスなサウンドから“ジャンル東京”と称されサブスク合計再生回数は8000万を突破。 Spotify「RADAR:Early Noise 2021」への選出、Apple Music

Level Up Your Life


Lead By Example was founded to be a source of inspiration, information, motivation, and advice about healthy lifestyle behavior. Focus on building relationships, service, self-care, support, discipline, and direction so more people can level up in life and become role models/leaders. My ambition is, through my own journey in life, to inspire you and motivate you to go from Information -> Education -> Transformation. I wish you all the best! Gratitude & encouragement - Jon, Lifestyle Mentor, Health Coach & Educator.