Encounter Today Verified


Subscribe & Start a Fire! Stay tuned for new videos every Sunday PLUS regular uploads of classic messages from the Generals of the Faith. Encounter Today is an outreach of Encounter Ministries and Encounter Christ Church where we are igniting the fire of God in the hearts of humanity, restoring Pentecostal power and reviving the Word of Faith for a new generation. Based in Red Cross, NC with Pastor Alan DiDio we pray these videos feed your faith and starve your doubts to death. www.EncounterToday.com

The Untold Truth


The purpose of my channel is NOT to create new content but to preserve the work of others as Youtube continues its book burning of ideas and information that are contrary to theirs. I make ZERO claims to the creation of the videos I upload. Take everything you see and already know with a grain of salt. Research on your own, think for yourselves, do not let the mainstream think for you. Come to your own conclusions. Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses. I'd rather have questions that can't be answered than answers I can't question. - Richard Feynman It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled. -Mark Twain

DIY and HowTo Car Repair Videos


We make free car repair diy videos primarily on Subaru, but we have how to videos on Acura, Honda, BMW, Chevy, and Ford too. We plan on expanding our diy car repair videos to more brands because we are a YouTube car repair channel. Also, we are expanding to create videos on car reviews with an emphasis on exotic cars. We aim to be the best car youtube channel so leave us a comment and we will try our best to make the how to do it yourself video for you