Infiniti Crafting Company


Infiniti Crafting Company is a small business start up, spreading the awareness of therapy through crafting. Here you will find various tutorials, vlogging, and company announcements. My name is Infiniti and I have been crocheting for 10 years and I have found it to be a wholesome, fruitful hobby and a potentially bountiful career. Both crochet and knitting are a type of art therapy and I know after a long week of work and classes, I need a way to wind down. I\\\'m here now, trying to spread the love of my craft through tutorial and interaction. Come grow with me and thank you all for your support! Happy making!



Raw Dog Food Species Appropriate Diet. We offer a full lineup of different proteins, organs, bones and blended products that contain the essential balance of meat, organs and bone. 100% USA Produced Raw Dog Food. Never any preservatives. Never any fillers. Never anything synthetic. Never any grains. All of our specialty blends and other grind items are small batch handcrafted gourmet farm to bowl fresh raw dog food. Our gourmet specialty blends contain the essential balance of meat, organs, fats and bone. The blends are produced using high-quality Beef, USDA Inspected Chicken, Turkey plus other proteins i.e. Pork, Rabbit, Lamb, Green Tripe And so much more... Learn why so many pets are eating a species appropriate diet and living longer healthier lives. Your Pet's Health Is Our Business "Friends Don't Let Friends Feed Kibble" Check our website to know more about us: Follow us on our channels:

Bravo Company USA / MFG Verified


Bravo Company started in the garage of a veteran United States Marine in Hartland Wisconsin, in 2003. Founded to support the needs of Private Security Professionals working in theaters where durable mil-spec components for their weapon systems were not readily available, BCM (Bravo Company MFG, Inc.) builds life saving tools manufactured, reinforced and tested to meet the unforgiving needs of professional Soldiers, Law Enforcement and responsible citizens in some of the most high threat environments in the world. Employee Owned.

Dynamic Combative Solutions LLC


Dynamic Combative Solutions Training Division lead by Director of Training, David Laird, has one of the most diverse and experienced instructor cadre in Arizona. Our Training Division consists of NRA Certified Instructors in a multitude of disciplines, Federal and State law enforcement instructors of multiple disciplines, current and former military veterans from a large span of experience, as well as business professionals and competitive shooters. We have partnered with many other industry leading professional schools to help augment our training curriculum to include classes from the best schools in our region, creating one location to find the best hand to hand self-defense classes, knife defense, first aide/CPR and much much more.

I stormens öga


Välkommen till kanalen. Vi kommer att uppmuntra till självständigt tänkande, till egen förståelse av din verklighetsbild och uppfattningen av det rådande omvärldsläget. Vårt mål är att inspirera dig att ifrågasätta dina antaganden och utvidga din förståelse av världen. Vi tror att vi genom att uppmuntra kritiskt tänkande och moralfilosofisk utveckling kan skapa en bättre framtid för oss själva och för samhället som helhet. För att skapa positiv varaktig förändring i världen måste vi först undersöka och justera våra egna övertygelser och värderingar. Med utgångspunkt i att vi alla troligtvis behöver justera den egna moraliska kompassen - förbättrar vi tillsammans samhället. Så om du är intresserad av att utforska historiska perspektiv och utmana dig själv att tänka djupare på världen omkring dig, följ med oss på denna resa. Glöm inte att trycka på prenumerationsknappen och aktivera notiser så att du aldrig missar en ny video. Tack för att du tittar, och vi ses i nästa video!

The American Cuckoo Clock Company Verified


Are you charmed by cuckoo clocks? Me too! So much so that I started designing traditional cuckoo clocks and having them made in the Black Forest. But now…. \\n\\nWe make them right here in America!\\n\\nYep, traditional weight driven cuckoo clocks hand crafted with clockworks imported from Germany: Regula movements, Kienzler bellows for the signature cuckoo clock bird song, and even the chains -- all are authentic! Our clocks are constructed of locally sourced poplar, a wood similar to the Lindenwood used in Germany, and are completely hand crafted.\\n\\nThe difference is in the design: “Enough with the wood choppers!” From sleek modern quilt block designs to birch bark and willow Adirondack-style clocks, we are redefining "cuckoo clock" while keeping with tradition.\\n\\nSee all of our clocks at\\n\\n~Jodie Davis, The Cuckoo Clock Designer at The American Cuckoo Clock Company\\n\\nSubscribe to this cuckoo channel and be part of the journey!\\n\\n

Tejano Volunteer Company


Our main goal here at TVC is to bring a state-wide, renewed awareness and interest to the Texas revolutionaries of our past. Those early Freedom Fighters, both Tejanos and Texians, men and women, fought for freedom and were part of that historical struggle that we remember as the Texas Revolution. We're going to do this by telling their stories. These heroes require recognition and respect, and the best way we can do that is to remember them by telling their stories. And then re-telling them. We bring you all those stories of our heroes and events in an effort that these stories may someday become common knowledge to all Texans, young and old. So share these stories with your friends and family. Texas heroes are due that much. Support Texas History; follow us here by hitting the FOLLOW button and the NOTIFICATION BELL so you won't miss any of our videos. And Thank you again for following and supporting our channel, Tejano Volunteer Company.