The Green House - Irish Homestead


In 2022, after a growing desire to homestead, we decided it's now or never, reflecting on 'let your yes be yes and your no be no'. Within 24 hours we were stood in the garden of a property that would become our home. But first we had to sell our old house in Laois and get through all the challenges of buying a house that was technically not for sale. We wanted a home where we could be more self sufficient and plan for the future. Thank you for joining our journey with us! We will have hints and tips on: being off-grid in Ireland homesteading DIY and house restoration building growing food

Traditional Catholic Faith for Kids


Welcome to TradKidsTV, made by kids for kids. Here we hope to share the love of our Catholic Faith along with all the beautiful traditions of the Church including the Traditional Latin Mass, all in a kid-friendly way. Trad Kids TV is recorded and edited almost entirely by 12 year old Rachel, with a tiny bit of help from mom, and a lot of grace from God. Deo Gratias! Feel free to drop us an email with feedback and ideas for upcoming videos: VISIT us on the web at FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA:

Irish Patriots & Freedom Fighters


Freedom is a condition which can be lost and won and lost again. Nationality is as a life which, if once lost, can never be recovered. - Patrick Henry Pearse / Pádraic Pearse A channel for all free Irish, the brave ones who are opposed to this world of rules, regulations, lockdowns, and pandemic fear-mongering in search of freedom, unity, and a common way of refusal. Together we stand, divided we fall. For all those who want free sovereign Ireland co-existing with Europe and the world on an equal basis, not as their blindly following servant. For those who want to make a stand and take back their right to Irish constitutional protected civil liberty and to earn a living. For the country that stands for freedom, self-sustainability, law, and order. For the country that cares about its citizens, its families, and its children. For the country that is against corruption, globalism, poverty, and lawlessness. For the country that respects its Constitution, social justice, personal responsibility, human rights, businesses, culture, and heritage. By exposing the global agenda we want to educate the people and make them realize that governments are public servants, not authority. We the people are the true authority! Only through a united effort and understanding the geopolitics can we defeat the oppression that is being forced upon our country. We must shake off the depression this has caused. This channel is determined to inspire, unite and empower people everywhere. We can support each other to end the repression created through this scaremongering of the collective, to rediscover our lost connections with one another, rebuild broken societies and revive our spirituality. It shares what is inspiring, what rises vibrations, what motivates, what builds solidarity and compassion to maximize autonomy and freedom of choice, emphasizing political freedom. A channel against the cult mentality and belief in governmential superior master class that has the right to command others. ... but we have a weapon more powerful than any in the whole arsenal of their British Empire and that weapon is our REFUSAL. Our REFUSAL to bow to any order but our own, any institution but our own. - Michael Collins

Kick Back Relax And Meditate


I made this channel because we all deal with some or not all of the conditions stated below.\n\nStress is defined as a state of mental or emotional strain caused by adverse circumstances You\\\'re not alone. At one point or another, most people deal with feelings of stress.\n\nAnxiety a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome\n\nDepression characterized by persistent sadness and a lack of interest or pleasure in previously rewarding or enjoyable activities.\n\nOverthinking is exactly what it means, thinking too much. When you think too much, instead of acting and doing things, you are overthinking.\n\nHopeless -feeling or causing despair about something. \n\nI upload videos mainly centered around smiling, healing, closing your eyes and meditating. Just know your not the only one dealing with these conditions. I myself , deal with depression, anxiety , and overthinking. Anxiety effects me the most. I\'ve tried supplements catered to anxiety ,CBD you name it. What worked the best was taking time in the car to breath. For example, before I go in that massive grocery store ; I would do some breathing exercises. then I would get out and be at peace. Without them sometimes I would leave the grocery store and you would swear I just got out the gym from sweating profusely. I just want to upload relaxing sounds on a dedicated channel to that goal specifically instead of them being mixed in with my other vids. Thank You Remember Relax Your Not Alone!!!

Keenumbers - Math for Kids Who Love Numbers (K-6)


Every child needs to know how to problem-solve. So, we make zany, educational math for kids who love numbers: guides ("curriculum" for all those highfalutin educational types), videos, and more! (Cue 90's Movie Trailer Guy Voice) We're helping students problem-solve, usually in 10 minutes or less. Homeschoolers, remote or distance learners, kiddos who want extra reps - learn at your pace! Pause, rewind, or accelerate learning this language we call MATH. Support us by buying us an avocado - or join the Greater Gator's class to unlock all educational content!

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