Zdrowy Kanał


Zdrowy Kanał Dla Ciebie - Dla Organizmu - Dla Ducha. Zdrowie, Miłość i Radość Budować Świadomość Polaków. Przekazywać Informacje Zdrowotne. Misją aTVBe jest dotrzeć do wszystkich, możliwych: konferencji, sympozjów, festiwali zdrowia tak aby można było przekazać wiedzę zdrowotną dla wszystkich Polaków. Pragniemy dawać informacje w celu możliwości poszerzenia świadomości zdrowotnej ludzi tak, aby nam się lepiej żyło. "Miłość, Zgoda, Chleb, Sól i Woda" - Tadeusz Rolnik "Fikcja Literacka" - dr Jerzy Jaśkowski "Włączamy Myślenie" - dr Hubert Czerniak "Czego Ci Lekarz nie powie" - "Czyńmy Dobro" - Jerzy Zięba „Bo człowiek bez pasji, nudzi swoją duszę” - prof. Andrzej Frydrychowski "Chory pogląd na zdrowie" - dr Adam Przygoda "Co profesor to teoria" - lek. med. Andrzej Więckowski "Lepsze jest wrogiem dobrego" - Zdzisław Oszczęda Kręcimy się blisko ZDROWIA a często trafiamy w sedno. BYĆ MOŻE JEST TO NAJZDROWSZY KANAŁ RUMBLE W POLSCE ! Serdecznie Pozdrawiamy 😃 Zespół aTVBe

GMN TV - Great Maharlika Nation


GMN TV - Great Maharlika Nation (Registered as GMN Internet Radio Broadcasting) Gising Maharlika Nation is a non-profit group with a benevolent heart and rendered voluntarily services to God, Man and Nation of all Humanity. We are a non-political, non-partisan and non-sectarian group. We act as an Independent News and Media alternative. Bringing truth and only truth to the all Filipino people. Thank you for your trust, believe and supports to keep our services doing best in serving God, Man and Nation. So help us Almighty God! GMN Social Network : https://bit.ly/GMNsocialnetwork VIEW US ALSO IN OTHER PLATFORMS: FB GMN TV1 - https://bit.ly/GMNmain FB GMN TV2 - https://bit.ly/GMNtv2 FB GMN TV3 - https://bit.ly/GMNtv3 FB GMN Community - https://bit.ly/GMNcommunity Youtube GMN TV1 - https://bit.ly/GMNyoutube1 Youtube GMN TV2 - https://bit.ly/GMNyoutube2 Youtube GMN TV3 - https://bit.ly/GMNyoutube3 Youtube GMN TV4 - https://bit.ly/GMNyoutube4 Youtube GMN TV5 - https://bit.ly/GMNyoutube5 Youtube GMN TV6 - https://bit.ly/GMNyoutube6 Youtube GMN TV7 - https://bit.ly/GMNyoutube7 Youtube GMN TV8 - https://bit.ly/GMNyoutube8 Rumble GMN TV - https://bit.ly/GMNrumble Twitch GMN TV - http://bit.ly/GMNtwitch Twitter GMN TV - http://bit.ly/GMNtwitter Bitchute GMN TV - https://bit.ly/GMNbitchute

GrandDog Mason


Mason was born without eyes in August 2019. He is a "rescue\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' pup, meaning he rescued all of us from a life without pure love & joy!\r\n\r\nMy name is Mason Foster Clark. I was born blind on Aug 2 2019. My mom and dad are both Blue Heelers. I had a few other siblings, I think 5 but I was the only born blind. All my siblings found their forever homes, their new families gladly paid their adoption fees no problem, but I guess no one had any adoption fees to pay for me. My birth home ever tried to give me away to, 4 or 5 different homes, and no one had room for me, because I was blind. My new Mommy, who she says fell in love with the 1st time she saw me, agreed to be my foster mom, until a good home could be found, BUT HA, I was able to seal the deal for my new forever home with heron the ride home from my birth home. So, Foster was we guess just intended to be my middle name, not my living situation.

Arana Nation


Welcome to the official Arana Nation channel, this is Michael Arana, the truth liberator and Commander in Chief of Arana Nation. You can also find official videos posted by yours truly on Rumble https://rumble.com/user/AranaNation and on TruthSocial https://truthsocial.com/@arananation The purpose of the Arana Nation is to liberate the truth and open your mind, if I can do those things while offering a bit of humor when warranted then this will be considered mission accomplished. This is not just a vlog, commentary or current affairs channel on social media, the Arana Nation is a movement of citizens washed in the blood of patriotism, populism and preserving the attributes of the world that give mankind the opportunity to thrive and battling the forces that seek to do us harm. Amadla yay and amen and boom shakalaka goes right there!