Sass Rogando Sasot


Analysis of Philippine politics, foreign policy, and international relations issues. About the content creator: Sass Rogando Sasot has been educated in the Philippines, Hong Kong, The Netherlands, and the United States. She graduated with a Combined Major in World Politics & Global Justice (magna cum laude) and a Master's in International Relations at Leiden University. She has taught courses in International Relations, Comparative Politics, Policy Analysis, and International Diplomatic Negotiation Skills at Maastricht University. To view her CV, visit her LinkedIn Page:

Asatru Folk Assembly


Asatru is an expression of the native, pre-Christian spirituality of Europe. More specifically, it is the religion by which the Ethnic European Folk have traditionally related to the Divine and to the world around them. From Iceland to Russia, from the frozen north of Scandinavia to the Mediterranean, the Ethnic European Folk wandered and settled over a span of thousands of years. Today, their descendants are spread around the world. We may refer to ourselves as Americans or English, Germans or Canadians, but behind these labels lurks an older, more essential identity. Our forefathers were Angles and Saxons, Lombards and Heruli, Goths and Vikings – and, as sons and daughters of these peoples, we are united by ties of blood and culture undimmed by the centuries. Asatru is our native religion. It gave our ancestors comfort in millennia past, and it can give us strength and inspiration today. The word “Asatru” comes to us from Old Norse, the tongue of ancient Scandinavia, where it means “those loyal to the Gods.” Since the ancient Scandinavian version of our religion is the best documented, it has given us much of Asatru’s terminology and imagery. The soul of Asatru, however, is not confined to the Scandinavian model but encapsulates the belief of all the Ethnic European Folk. Indeed, Asatru reflects the deeper religiosity common to virtually all the nations of Europe. Learn more at If you are a traditionally-minded son or daughter of Europe… If you agree with our Declaration of Purpose… If you want to be part of a growing church dedicated to OUR Gods and OUR Folk… We invite you to join our AFA family. Welcome home!

Hiking, Backpacking, & More


Hey Friends! Welcome to my channel. I started this channel as a way to share my adventures in hiking and backpacking with a Christian perspective. You can find more hiking and backpacking related content on my blog: If you want to receive updates for my channel and blog, then head on over to and sign uo for my quarterly newsletter. No spam, just an email every three months or so with what's new! This year I launched an online magazine called "Bear Necessity" which you can access on my website by quarterly or annual subscription: If you have any questions about gear, trip videos, or the trail in general feel free to send me an email: seagrasstosassafras@gmail