Chad Gracey Live


I am Chad Gracey, the original drummer and co-founder of the band LĪVE. I have set up this channel for people and fans that enjoy my drumming with the band. I will upload content as much as I can. Please tell your friends and thank you for watching! You can also find me on my podcast with John Rotolo called The Gracious Two. See link below. #thegracioustwo #drums #drummer #drummersofinstagram #drummersofyoutube #freaks4live #dwdrums #zildjian #promarksticks #evansdrumheads #cantbeatme #chadgracey #chadgraceyhateshashtags



Back up channel for YT Last Minute Lacey : Hi! My name is Lacey. Welcome to my channel & Thank you for stopping by! :) This is a blog about my life, my past life, my spiritual journey and my experiences. This channel is about my awakening process and transformation/transmutation from Dark to Light. I am also sharing the knowledge I have learned from experience. I have also learned from many teachers. To help, I created an extensive playlist. If you find it has value and you learn something from it, I am grateful. I have no other social media accounts. This is my only YouTube channel. Any and all accounts I do have in the future will be linked here on YT. The Telegram channel I had is sadly gone. But it has recently been remade and linked here. Always check the Description box of my videos and pinned comments for further learning. Focus on the Richness of your Souls and not your wallets my fellow sun-souls. You can only take one thing with you, and it isn't your money. I Love you!! -Lacey xoxox ❤️‍🔥