The Solex AO Scan Biofeedback Scanner


The Solex AO Scan Biofeedback Scanner & Frequency Generator Demonstration & Product Review ___________________________________________ CONTACT US NOW: E: ___________________________________________ We are thrilled to share with you the Solex AO Frequency Scanner with you today! This technology is a biofeedback scanner and frequency generator that maintains a database of over 120,000 unique blueprint frequencies. The technology allows us to learn about how our body is performing, identifying the areas that are out of balance, and able to emit frequencies to optimize and guide us toward homeostasis and the body’s natural state of balance. With the several incredible programs offered we can generate binaural beats daily specific to our emotional needs from a simple 10 second voice recording. Scan the energetic state of our chakras, meridians, blood biology, toxicities, mould, heavy metals, nutrients, food sensitivities, organs, veins, nerves, arteries, glands, spine, eyes, digestive system, lymphatic system, thyroid function and much more. We are able to identify which areas are not in their optimal state, then generate and send optimizing frequencies to the areas needing recalibration. We can look at detailed reports of before and after the optimizing frequencies to see what came back into energetic balance. We can send subtle energy frequencies through the quantum field such as abundance, love, gratitude, and hundreds more to ourselves, and others anywhere in the world, plus imprint those frequencies into objects such as stones, jewellery, our water, sugar pills or food. We can upload the frequencies of our supplements into our supplement library and then scan to see what supplements resonate most with our body at that time. And create our own homeopathies. ___________________________________________ We are so excited about presenting this technology and please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if you would like us to scan you so you can try it out! ___________________________________________ CONTACT US NOW: E:

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