America First Legal


At America First Legal, we are building a team of some of the nation’s best legal, political, and strategic thinkers to challenge this lawlessness at every turn. We will use every legal tool at our disposal to defend our citizens from unconstitutional executive overreach. We will also stand up against corporations that restrict free speech and violate our citizens’ civil rights. We are committed to fighting for all Americans–regardless of race, color, religion, or creed. We will defend the rights of all Americans from attacks by anyone, in any party, who would seek to attack their freedom, their dignity, and their equal rights under the law. For years, progressives have used the court system to attack our founding documents, undermine the rule of law, and erode our nation’s most cherished principles and traditions. With America First Legal, we are turning the legal tables on the radical activist left. We will wage a forceful defense of our rights, our country, and our cherished American way of life.

Astral Legends


ASTRAL-LEGENDS presents thought-provoking ancient history & esoteric spirituality from all ancient civilizations, ancient legends, myths and forbidden knowledge from ancient sacred texts exploring the past and future of humanity through the lens of modern science, logical thought, quantum physics, astro-physics, archeological evidence and anthropology in cinematic artwork of film and series. l #Ancientcivilizations #Ancienthistory #WeAreANonReligiousChannel #Mythology&Legends #Annunaki #Aliens #3dart #FilmArt For All Questions Or Business Inquiries Please Email at | Join this channel to get access to exclusive EARLY RELEASE & NON WATERMARK content and perks: You can also Subscribe exclusively to us on ASTRAL LEGENDS Official Streaming Channel Coming Soon in 2024!

Legal Layman


Hello, and welcome to Legal Layman. The channel where a moron decides to read along legal statutes. Mostly focused on Texas law for the most part, but will do other States, and of course the Federal level of legislation. This is mostly for me to discuss my more controversial opinions, and takes while also learning in the process. Come join this idiot, while he figures out the law. I look forward to seeing if I can offer a unique view of legality that is not offered by a lawyer's perspective, even if it is wrong.