The Democracy Fund


What do we fight for? Constitutional Rights: To advance and maintain substantive constitutional rights in Canada, through public education and strategic litigation seeking legal remedies for victims of constitutional rights abuses. Advance Education: To advance education by establishing a journalism placement program that provides post-secondary journalism students with opportunities to obtain on-the-job skills training required to complete their education program. Relieve Poverty: To relieve poverty by providing health supplies and other necessities of life to impoverished families in disaster-stricken and other needs-based areas including Iraq, Hong Kong, China, Syria or elsewhere. Funding Democracy: To receive and maintain a fund or funds and to apply all or part of the principal and income therefrom, from time to time, to qualified donees within the meaning of the Income Tax Act (Canada).



Searching out the deep things of God and revealing the errors found in the Church and the World. To bring truth to those who seek it. When he made a decree for the rain, and a way for the lightning of the thunder: Then did he see it, and declare it; he prepared it, yea, and searched it out. - Job 28:26 Back in 1993, I founded a ministry with a close friend of mine Shawn Thunder Wallace ( It was called "Lightning of the Thunder Ministries".So our ministry fit the name that Jesus gave two of his disciples "Sons of Thunder", James and John, who were men of action.

For-Real War Thunder


This channel is for my squadron's "live-stream" real-time matches and realistic/simulator battles (replays) in War Thunder. Our group is family friendly, and free to play. We've been playing War Thunder for a while now, and at least some of us are pretty good. I hope you are able to enjoy the stream and potentially learn something to improve your own gameplay experience. As a family friendly group, you won't hear swearing or "adult" topics, although there may be some grown up conversations happening while we play the game, there won't be any content inappropriate for minors.