Resistance Chicks Verified


Two crazy sisters that are here to bring you laughs, TRUTH, wholesome living, how-to videos, current news and real Americana! Whether you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re here for Resistance Chicks videos, or homestead tutorials, there is a little of something for everyone! Leah and Michelle own and run a small business, as well as an urban homestead in south west Ohio. They have a home based church- Isaiah 58 Ministries and use the internet as an out reach to fan the flame of the awakening that is happening all over the country and the world! Contact Us: Resistance Chicks P.O. Box 107 Milford, OH 45150 E-mail: Facebook: Twitter: @ResistanceChics

Resistance ...-


Channel dedicated to regrouping and disseminating in different languages ​​(English, Spanish, French, Russian, Portuguese, German and Italian) videos and segregated, dispersed, censored, deleted and lost information on a multitude of topics so that you can elaborate YOUR TRUTH, and not " the truth" imposed by dictatorships. I ask for your patience, it takes many hours to search, research, view and read information, collect the most interesting information, edit it, send the content to my collaborators for translation and republish it in other languages. My sole purpose is to spread information, the more it is published, disclosed, disseminated, announced, communicated, dispersed and disseminated in different media, THE BETTER FOR EVERYONE. The truth is within each one and how you yourself interpret the information. "The tiger, the lion and the panther are harmless animals, while the chickens, the geese and the ducks are highly dangerous animals," an earthworm told her children. Bertrand Russell - A divided people is a lost people -



As a Reiki Master and owner of my own modality Aurora Mistica (r). I enjoy the use of energy in helping put smiles around the world. I have been offering Remote Reiki Distance Healing online since 2001. I also love pretty much anything creative. Through the years I have been programming physical products remotely with Good Vibe Reiki and/ or Aurora Mistica (r). All my videos are imbued with distance healing energy. Some videos include visible as well as Subliminal Affirmations. I also design print on demand products which also are energetically enhanced.



Hot Dance Streamers, 热舞主播频道, 핫댄스 앵커 채널, ホットダンスアンカーチャンネル Welcome to the world of dance! This is the ultimate destination for all dance and music lovers. Whether you want to enjoy sexy, energetic moves, groovy street dance, or elegant jazz performances, our streamers bring every stage to life with their incredible choreography. From mini skirts to yoga pants, every appearance is captivating and filled with energy. Join us as we take you on an unforgettable journey of rhythm and passion! Subscribe and turn on notifications so you never miss out on the exciting shows and stunning performances! 欢迎来到我们的舞蹈世界!这里是为所有热爱舞蹈、热爱音乐的人们准备的乐园。无论你是想欣赏性感热舞、动感街舞,还是优雅的爵士舞,我们的主播们用她们的舞步点燃每一个舞台,带你进入激情四射的节奏中。在这里,每一场直播都充满了活力与魅力,短裙、黑丝、瑜伽裤……每一次亮相都让人目不转睛。快来加入我们,一起感受舞蹈的魅力,体验主播们带来的无限精彩!记得订阅并开启通知,绝不错过每一场视觉盛宴! 댄스와 음악을 사랑하는 이들을 위한 채널에 오신 걸 환영합니다! 짧은 치마와 요가 팬츠로 매력 넘치는 스트리머들이 활기찬 댄스로 무대를 장식합니다. 구독하고 알림 설정해 멋진 공연을 놓치지 마세요! ダンスと音楽を愛する皆さん、ようこそ!魅力的なストリーマーたちが、ミニスカートやヨガパンツで情熱的なパフォーマンスをお届けします。チャンネル登録してお見逃しなく!

Staying The Distance - The Melbourne Cup & Horse Racing Channel


The UnOfficial Melbourne Cup Channel. Staying The Distance - The Melbourne Cup & Horse Racing Channel covers the most important turf staying races from Australia, UK, Germany, France and Japan. Lew Dub has an obsession with the Melbourne Cup known in Australia as 'The Race That Stops A Nation'. Aside from the Melbourne Cup the channel features other major races such as: Goodwood Cup, Ascot Gold Cup, Tenno Sho Spring, Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe, Sydney Cup, Caulfield Cup, Japan Cup, Arima Kinen and The Ebor.