Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems


Olá, meu nome é Pericles A.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nEu escrevo e posto vídeos das minhas frases e poesias em 2 línguas, todos são de minha própria autoria!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nAlém do jornal engraçado do gato tom: Extra! Extra! e outros quadros de humor!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nFaço as vozes dos gatinhos falantes sem nenhuma edição!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nSem contar que eu ainda desenho as capas dos vídeos e os meus designs!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nEu não copio frases, poemas ou mensagens de outros!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nSupport the channel on Patreon - Ajude o canal pelo Patreon!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nHi there, my name is Pericles A.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nI write and upload videos of my quotes and poetry in 2 language, all are from my own authorship!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nI make the talking kittens voice without editing!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nWithout mention I still draw the videos covers and my designs!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nI do not copy quotes, poems and messages from others!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nQuer ajudar o canal pelo Patreon, adquirir os produtos exclusivos do canal com os meus designs,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nme seguir nas redes sociais, saber onde estou nas outras plataformas, e muito mais?\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nVisite o Blog do canal Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nWant to help the channel on Patreon, acquire the exclusive channel products with my designs,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nfollow me on social networks, know where I am on other platforms, and more?\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nVisit the Blog of the channel Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nBlog:\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nSe inscreva no canal e ative o sininho, deixe o seu rumble e compartilhe os vídeos!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nSubcribe to the channel turn on notifications, leave your rumble and share the videos!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n#FePQaP\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nFrases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nEscrito por - Written By: Pericles A.(Myself)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nCopyright © All rights reserved.

Belief Hole Podcast


Paranormal, fringe ideas.. and brother fights. Three brothers explore, question and debate strange mysteries, from the average Bigfoot encounter to the fringiest of fringe theories about reality and history, challenging their own beliefs and often each other's sanity. Good humor, good drinks and good discussion. Join us as we present true Dogman Encounters, explore the David Paulides' Missing 411 Phenomena, posit theories on National Parks Mysteries and Strange Disappearances, Expose the Sky Whale Phenomena, and so much more!

The Ashholes


The Ash Holes is a live podcast all about cigars! We talk about anything in the industry that needs discussing, with no filter. Our style may be a little rough around the edges, but we get to the heart of the issue – no matter what it is! If you want to learn more about premium cigars and have a great time while you do it, spend some time with us every week. Fire yourself up a stogie, kick back, and stay up to date on the world of cigars. SUBSCRIBE TO THE ASH HOLES PODCAST

Lisa Golem Art


Lisa offers Art Demos & Tutorials. Her mantra is: "THE MAGIC HAPPENS WHEN YOU LET GO". She has taught paint and sip events for over five years, and has transferred that experience onto an online format, but with more ambitious and varied paintings offered including abstracts. If you like this content, Lisa would appreciate if you would buy her a coffee to say thanks... she loves her coffee -- ;) PLEASE JOIN our FB group community designated for those who are trying out these tutorials (or creating anything for that matter). Now it\\\'s time to let go and have some fun!!!!