Mundo Polarizado - Olimpio Araujo Junior


O Mundo Polarizado é um canal de notícias sobre política, economia e atualidades que mostra tudo o que a grande mídia ESCONDE DE VOCÊ. Somos uma empresa de comunicação independente que não recebe financiamento público e nem de nenhuma empresa ou instituição, e não temos nenhum vínculo partidário. Vivemos e investimos a partir da colaboração de nossos usuários e membros, e da monetização pelo YouTube, por isso precisamos de seu apoio para continuarmos com nossa missão de levar conteúdo de qualidade para todo o Brasil.


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The globalists have a plan. That is sure. We are told this is an information war but it is more than that We have to defeat the globalists if humanity and civilisation is to survive For this we need a plan Everyone talks about the New Awakening. But it does not matter how many awakened poeple we have if they are not organised for taking action There are many great alternative sites and channels on the net that report on events of the day in the news But no one, but no one, is giving any deep analysis of where we are and now we get out of this mess This is why I have created NATIONS OVER GLOBALISM where I set out how we can win against the globalists This we do through our nation And I go into the details of the political philosophy, the new economics and institutional structures to explain how this can happen Above all. we have to get rid of the parasites within the nation that serve the globalists And we need a new constitution and I describe its principles

Scorpions Initiative Anti-Globalist Freedom Fighter Core.


WE Are The S.I.A.G.F.F. Core (Scorpions Initiative Anti-Globalist Freedom Fighter Core). This Is Our Website And App. We Are A Union Of Conerned Citizens Who Were Formed To Rival The Globalist Union Of The One World Government And Their Personal Attack Dogs The Seven Nation Army Detachment. We Enlist Regular Citizens And Provide Them With Training Education And Expertise To Defend All That Is Good And Just In Our World Against This Common Enemy That Is On Our Doorstep Looking To Destroy All We Know And Care About. Take A Stand Defend Your Families And Countries Enlist With The Scorpions Initiative Anti-Globalist Freedom Fighter Core And Become The Globalists Unions Worst Nightmare. Be The Difference Enlist With Us Today!!