: Global-Chief-Federal-Postal-Court-Judge &: Plenipotentiary-Judge.


About Me [" I am a chief-federal-postal-court-judge and my jurisdiction runs over any governments, courts and corporations. If any citizens of the world launch a complaint with me, then I will also have jurisdiction over their cases. I trained under the chief-federal-postal-court-judge :David-wynn: Miller, and inherited his role to do the things that he used to do before he passed away. "] ["If the general public are asking themselves what is jurisdiction over any corporation and governments, this means that if any government, institution, corporation that has not given you a dictionary, or a correct language performance with its letters, legalities, laws, or claims they have fully violated the basic rules of communication. The basic rule of communication is, one meaning per word and one meaning per sentence. "] ​ ["If the basic rules of communication are violated, then there is no contracting parties, for one to claim jurisdiction over the other. "] ​ ["The job of the chief-federal-postal-court-judges is to stop and correct all misleading statements, false and fictitious conveyance of language. 2006 Fraud Act, 2001 Fraud Act. "] ​ [":David-wynn: Miller created the famous and globally recognised system of communication which he called quantum grammar. This quantum grammar cannot be trespassed upon any fictitious governments or corporations. "] ​ [" As a chief-federal-postal-court-judge, once a complaint has been put in with me, I can over-turn cases in the fictitious courts and governments and corporations - Period "] ​ [" Please note: All my cases are won using first hand knowledge and not theory. Since I only deal with first hand knowledge, if I am not familiar with something and I do not know what it is, I will be very direct and tell you that I do not know. Folks, this is the safest and best way not to fall in to the trap of lies and deception. "] ​ [" Why do I do, the things that I do? I reversed an illness / disease that I had in 14 days. I was told this disease can never be reversed and it’ll lead to my fatality. When I began to publicise my findings, through my book, The Diseases of Affluence, I found televisions stations, newspapers, corporations came to attack me in the global mass media. They made me look like an East London black villain. This mass media failed in every efforts to silence me. I learnt how to become a federal-postal-court-judge and squashed their fictitious ways in their tracks. "] [" If you are wondering what is fictitious conveyance of language, it is another way of saying poison pen letters, cyber bullying, mud slinging etc. On a personal note, these people have no power over you, except their ability to install fear in you and use their defecto court systems to threaten you - Period My training cuts through all the fiction and the fictional language used in the world. It lets you see the world for what it really is – a construct of poisoned words and language. "] ​ [" I have studied many different areas of psychology, science, medicines etc. usually to contribute or further the subject. "] ​ ["I am professional in everything I do. When I am teaching, I teach only first hand knowledge, once you understand it, you will know more than the top 3% of society, it is yours forever, no matter who does this, that, or the other. "] ​ [" Any persons wanting to hide their criminality, using my knowledge or the Federal-Postal-Court-Stations will be prosecuted and sentenced to a minimum of 7 years. The Federal-Postal-Court-Stations, The Judges, the Clerks and Baliffs practice zero tolerance of criminality. "] ​ : Serial-number: AD-8051-5548-2GB : Global-Chief-Federal-Postal-Court-Judge &: Plenipotentiary-Judge. : Mark-kishon: Christopher. : Copy-right/copy-claim.



Max is a global citizen having grown up in various countries and is tri-lingual in Italian, Spanish and English. She is a survivor of satanic ritual abuse, torture and trafficking who went on to do her healing work and train in trauma and recovery to help other survivors and those trapped in the cycle of violence. Max created a show called Unbroken where she interviews survivors, truth warriors, healers and teachers. Max integrates the knowledge she has about the global deep state political machine with issues such as child trafficking and trauma-based mind control to help educate people about the global control structure that keeps humanity trapped in cycles of individual and collective trauma and control. Knowing the truth facilitates finding solutions to the myriad of issues facing humanity and Max shares her knowledge about healing and recovery in an effort to assist individuals in looking inward and doing their shadow work. The restoration of humanity and our beautiful planet begins with each individual healing themselves and stepping into their fullest potential and power. Inner awareness of Self and outer awareness of the social engineering and harvesting of humanity and all life on the planet are necessary components to achieving freedom within and without. Max authors articles analyzing the truth behind a variety of geopolitical programs and is currently working on a book about her life as well as creating a trauma training protocol that can facilitate healing for all trauma survivors including those ritually abused. Max is an advocate for children, whom she considers our most precious asset and the future of the human race. Her links are: https://unbroken.global/ https://www.bitchute.com/channel/j8PnqTf0TyRv/ https://www.brighteon.com/channels/unbroken https://rumble.com/account/content?type=all email: max@unbroken.global To subscribe to our website visit www.unbroken.global to received latest videos and articles #survivors #sra #trafficking #cps #whistleblowers #consciousness #warriors #healers #maxlowen #unbroken

Global Freedom Media


The Mission of Global Freedom Media is to present news, interviews, features, documentaries, and other informational and educational content that will promote the values of truth, freedom of speech and the free-flow of information, free and fair elections in all countries, and the ideals of the importance of truth, families, faith, freedom of faith, conscience and religion, the respect for innocent life, conservatism, free markets and fair trade, cooperation between all nations who seek mutual peace and prosperity with each other, and the individual liberty and patriotism that is necessary to allow for the self-governance of all nations and for all free peoples around the World as a real 'Community of Nations'. Global Freedom Media/TV https://www.GlobalFreedomTV.com COMMITTEES OF SAFETY: ('Committees of Government Accountability & Safety') A Committee of Safety can be briefly descibed as an association of concerned citizens brought together to hold their elected officials accountable, to act responsibly in the mutual self-defense of their Constitutional and God-given rights, and to respond to community emergencies whenever may become necessary. These committees also operate following the structure of government from the local to the national level in various forms; Community-level, City/Town-level, County-level, State-level, and the National-level as a means to unify the state associations. The State-level unifies the County-level committees, the County-level committees unify the City/Town-level committees, and the City/Town-level committees unify the Community-level committees. These committiees operate not only as a means to hold their elected officials accountable, but to also act as a form of a legitimate parallel government whenever the government breaks down or fails to follow the SUPREME CONSTITUTIONAL LAW of the nation or the state. To See More about CoS, Visit: CITIZEN ACTION RESOURCES! http://www.CitizenActionNOW.US !