KHÔNG PHẢI KÊNH CHỐNG CỘNG MÀ LÀ ĐẨY LÙI MỌI DẠNG CỘNG SẢN RA KHỎI VIỆT NAM CỘNG HÒA VĨNH VIỄN. GIẢI PHÁP: DÙNG KẾT ƯỚC QUẤC TẾ (02/3/1973) ĐỂ XÉT XỬ NHỮNG VI PHẠM HIỆP ĐỊNH PARIS 1973 VÀ THỰC THI HIỆP ĐỊNH PARIS 1973. --- TUỔI TRẺ QUẤC GIA ỦNG HỘ: A. TUYÊN NGÔN HÒA BÌNH (TNHB). Thông tin chi tiết tại: www.tuoitrequacgia.org/ Trang web Tuyên ngôn hòa bình và hướng dẫn cách ghi danh ủng hộ TNHB: https://bit.ly/3WQKjw7 B. GIẢI PHÁP VNCH dựa trên HIỆP ĐỊNH PARIS 1973 (gồm 03 văn kiện liên quan), chứ không chỉ có 01 văn kiện như trước giờ chúng ta từng biết: 𝟏. Hiệp Định Paris 1973 (Ký vào 27/01/1973) 𝟐. KẾT ƯỚC QUẤC TẾ 12 bên - The Act (Ký bởi 12 bên/thành phần vào 02/3/1973) 𝟑. Công Luật (Public Law) PL 93-559 (Ký bởi Tổng thống Ford vào 30/12/1974) Kính cảm tạ mọi sự ủng hộ và góp tay chia sẻ rộng rãi video của quí vị! Quý vị vui lòng bấm THEO DÕI (SUBSCRIBE) và kết nối với chúng tôi qua: FB: @tuoitrequacgia TW: @tuoitrequacgia YT: @tuoitrequacgia2610



MITA is a network of industry professionals and businesses committed, dedicated, and striving for the continued evolution of the industry through education, transparency, inclusivity, and the development of thoughtful free-market-oriented regulations throughout the United States. Displaying the MITA medallion on your packaging, website, or brick and mortar store of your brand, demonstrates your company’s commitment to advancing industry practices in the best interests of the consumers and patients. Shows a commitment to only supporting regulations advancing the free flow of medicine to the patients of an emerging cannabis industry. MITA is a network of cannabis industry professionals and businesses focused on developing an inclusive and accessible industry.

Châu Gia Chuyển


- Nghe nhạc trên Zing : https://zingmp3.vn/nghe-si/Chau-Gia-Chuyen - Nghe nhạc trên Nhaccuatui : https://www.nhaccuatui.com/nghe-si-chau-gia-chuyen.html - Nghe trên Youtube music : https://music.youtube.com/channel/UCtgOKv62STinvVvj482AYiA - Đây là kênh video ca nhạc do chính mình tự quản lý và đăng tải các bài hát của mình trên Youtube © Mọi hành vi sao chép của các bạn đều dẫn đến tài khoản kênh của các bạn bị khóa vĩnh viễn © Copyright by Châu Gia Chuyển ☞ Do not Reup Liên hệ hợp tác : 098 868 4224 Việt Nam Gmail : chaugiachuyen1984@gmail.com Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/chaugiachuyentv10101984



My name is Carls Zarigata, welcome to my channel! Here you can expect everything from extraordinary hilarious moments while gaming to some of the best moments that anyone has ever witnessed. This unique mix means that you will always have something interesting and unexpected waiting for you when you see a new video released! One of the games we will play is War Thunder which in 2021 still proves to deliver as it allows you to unleash your third person shooter skills in an arena of war: aircraft, attack helicopters, ground forces and naval vessels collaborate in realistic competitive battles. If you have made it this far then I am sure we are a definite match and you will love all of the content to be released on my channel. Certainly, make sure that you are part of our community that we are building by clicking that subscribe button for free and also turning on post notifications so that you are notified as soon as a video is released.

Gus and Gia Puppet Show


Gus and Gia Puppet Show! (Episodes in the making, don't miss our first few episodes, be notified and subscribe now!) Gus being Gia's younger brother loves to pester his sis, crack jokes and just clown around. Gia being more serious about life, loves to read books and study all the while trying to keep her younger brother on the straight and narrow. From reading books and stories to having chit chats or having fun and educational imaginary trips from their playroom, these two personalities clash between a brother and sister in this comical and exciting new puppet show! Brought to you by AJLO Productions! "Producing great films and shows, & always entertaining"! A puppet show for adults and children to enjoy, family friendly and loved by all ages! Copyright 2022 AJLO Productions

Ita Udoh


Ita Udoh is a pastor and teacher with a calling to rebuild Zion, a heart for building God’s people into builders and warriors, and a burden for the Body of Christ to comprehend God’s purposes and desires. With revelatory insight into the patterns, times and seasons of the Lord as revealed in Scripture, his messages typically appeal to disciples and those who desire to inherit the Kingdom of God. Equipping people for ministry is practical work, and he considers this of utmost importance in these last days; he trains people with teaching, pastoral, prophetic, evangelistic, and music ministry gifts (amongst others) to function in the grace God has called them to. Beyond gifts and graces, he emphasizes righteousness and holy living, as God has called those who call on Him to be holy.

Flávio VIGATA - Peregrino na Missão


Preparação espiritual e das coisas naturais, para o agora e o por vir ! Palavra de fé e perseverança, convite a reflexão, artes para edificar, noticias atuais, bate papo em comunhão. Vídeos novos toda semana. Olá, seja bem vindo(a). Eu sou o VIGATA, Missionário de Cristo l Multiartista l Designer Criativo l Legendador De Vídeos Não vivam consumidos pelas preocupações sobre coisa alguma; em vez disso, orem a Deus pedindo aquilo de que precisam e não esqueça de lhe agradecer por tudo que ele já fez. Então vocês experimentarão a paz de Deus, que excede todo entendimento e que guardará seu coração e sua mente em Cristo Jesus. Filipenses 4:6-7