Polskie Sprawy
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Materiały ważne dla każdego Polaka.
Lily Topolski Music is a ministry aimed at providing encouragement through recordings of instrumental hymns and sheet music for pianists of all ages and levels, from elementary to advanced. There are many different types of Christian piano music on this channel including traditional hymns, spirituals, Psalms, gospel songs, modern hymns, worship choruses, and more. To get FREE sheet music, visit: LilyTopolskiMusic.com/Free Listen to "Hymns of Hope and Peace: Volume 1" everywhere at: https://ffm.to/hhp-lt Website: LilyTopolskiMusic.com
Our Homesteading Adventure: Building a Self-Sufficient Lifestyle... Together 🌱🌻🍁❄️ Philip dreamed of a place that he could build a self sufficient life. A little piece of land where he could hunt, work the land and build a home he could be proud of. His dream began to become reality when he purchased the first 40 acres of Kowalski Mountain in 2016. I met Philip online in 2018. I grew up on a small, hobby farm. While I loved the outdoor lifestyle, I was stuck in my urban life, far from my roots and the lifestyle I loved. It’s hard to deny that Philip and I were meant for each other. We make a great team! We seem to be able to accomplish more than the average couple in record time. Since our Kentucky dream is built in short workcations, our ability to get things done is a huge asset. This is our journey, the victories and the challenges . Thanks for joining us. Welcome! We’re Philip and Barbra-Sue Kowalski
Adam Koralik does videogame hardware reviews, discussions, and repairing videos. We can discuss gaming economics, predictions, and history. All while I show you how to repair and get the most out of your classic videogame consoles.
Konfederacja Korony Polskiej okręgi 19 i 20 - Warszawa i okolice - Korona Warszawa
Hello and welcome to Flying and Eating with Adam Koralik! Who am I? I'm a seasoned traveler of the world, generally I must venture out for my main channel and for various other reasons. People have asked me to make videos over the years of what these trips are like. This can include stories, reviews, how tos, food recommendations, and far more. So sit back, relax, buckle in, and get ready for take off!
Front Jedności Narodowej 2 Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej ma na celu krzewić jedność Narodu Polskiego przy osobie legalnego prezydenta Jana Zbigniewa Potockiego który jest głową jedynego legalnego Państwa Polaków Lechitów jaką jest 2 Rzeczypospolita Polska
Dogs are biologically designed to thrive off of raw food, just like wolves. By the young age of 2 years old, 80% of dogs develop periodontal mouth disease due to tartar buildup. This spreads to the heart, brain & lungs, but it can be prevented by feeding dogs raw meaty bones. Fortunately, a raw bone is nature's toothbrush. When dogs crunch raw bones, the bone scrapes tartar off their teeth & the meat acts as floss, naturally cleaning their gums. Raw diets are also known to whiten teeth & surprisingly decrease bad breath. *WARNING: Please NEVER feed dogs cooked bones. Cooked bones can splinter and be lethal. Dogs should ONLY eat RAW bones. Dogs & wolves share more than 99% of the same DNA.Raw diets reduce inflammation & yeast buildup that lead to allergies. Additionally, raw diets increase dogs' natural oils, active enzymes, fatty acids & amino acids. This reduces itchy dry skin, hair loss, hot spots, dandruff & shedding. All while giving dogs hydrated skin & shinier coats. 80% of your dog's immune system is in their gut, meaning a healthy gut is crucial. An all natural, raw diet helps dogs absorb more vitamins & minerals to keep their gut clean & healthy. A stronger immune system decreases your dog's risk of contracting diseases, viruses & infections. Dogs have highly acidic stomachs, digestive enzymes, natural flora & bile to process raw food & protect themselves from harmful bacteria. A raw fed dog's stomach has a PH level of 1, the same acidity as a car battery. 1 out of 2 dogs will become overweight & suffer from cancer due to standard diets, such as kibble and similar options. Cancer feeds on sugary, starchy foods, like kibble. Properly balanced, raw diets decrease the risk of cancer & decrease unnecessary fat while increasing muscle mass. The average dog lives 10-13 years. Switching your dog to a raw diet could potentially increase their lifespan by 3 years. Raw diets are what dogs are biologically built to eat. It’s the most digestible diet for them. Raw diets have a high amount of digestive enzymes, probiotics & natural hydration, which makes it much easier for dogs to break down + digest. Surprisingly, all natural raw diets help dogs poop smaller, less frequently & less smelly.
Hello my name is Clint Kowalski and I scare easy.
Zbiór pro Polskich nagrań z tik-toka.
Z informacjami na temat Obózu Prezydenckiego II RP można zapoznać się klikając na link:. https://prezydencja2rp.livejournal.com/; kontakt e-mail: prez2rp@protonmail.com ------------------------------------------- Information Channel of the Presidential Camp of the Second Republic of Poland.
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