Avi Yemini Reporting


The Truth About What Avi Yemini is Not Reporting. Independent and NOT in any way associated with Politics or "Avi Yemini". Concerned with The Truth being known by all. Some fairly reliable information/commentary sources: https://www.youtube.com/@locustsandhoney486/videos https://www.bitchute.com/channel/zvsdLYP6xuRS/ https://www.youtube.com/@johnk7164/videos https://www.bitchute.com/channel/HxiAocL0Gpab/ Supreme Court New South Wales Ruling, War Crimes: https://jade.io/article/825524 2013 Public Governance Performance and Accountability Act - Sec:10-11: https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2017C00269

The Outlaw Feminist


The purpose of this channel is to push my face out into the ether and tell my very unique and special story in order to draw attention to the things I care about as follows: 1. ENDING STATE-SANCTIONED SEX TRAFFICKING IN MY HOMETOWN OF PORTLAND, OREGON. Get behind me or beside me but do not get in front of me. I have already accepted that I will be carried by six or judged by 12 on this one. If you gaslight me or attack me or threaten me, your name will be added to my list of "SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SEX TRAFFICKERS (SYLST)".

I'm Done with the Feminist BS and Woke Idiocracy, You Can't Stop Us.


This Rumble Channel has been created to Help further the Promotion of Alpha Masculine Enlightenment, as We'll has knowledge and More importantly The Motivation to be the Healthiest, Wealthiest Alpha Male you can be.On this Rumble channel you will get everything you need for a Magor Freaking TesTosteRone Leap in Time. In the days weeks and months ahead We will bring you The Top G Andrew Tate, jordan peterson, steven crowder, dan bangino, etc... I now yur Tired of hearing your the Problem if your Straight White ANd MALE. I feel your Pain and Anguish, BUT THIS IS NO MORE.... We will never hide, we will never run, We will fight you step for step and We will win. Never Lose your Resolve. Remeber The One Eyed Man is King in The Land of The Blind.