Sailing Around the World One Nautical Mile at a Time


WE are Warren and Erica! Follow us as we take on our biggest adventure yet. Sailing around the world in our Fountaine Pajot Helia 44 catamaran. WE have now been sailing and living aboard for 4 years and have fallen in love with life on the water. WE are making travel videos and documenting our travels along the way. Follow the adventures of WE as we sail the world one nautical mile at a time! Thanks for subscribing and consider becoming our Patreon! WE (Warren + Erica) Instagram: @we_sailaway Patreon:

The Life Of Cessair In Skyrim


Can you play The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim without armor, very little magic and survive? Let's find out! The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is an open-world action role-playing game developed by Bethesda Game Studios and released in November 2011. It is the fifth main installment in the Elder Scrolls series. Set in the province of Skyrim, the game takes place in a richly detailed fantasy world filled with various races, cultures, and lore. In Skyrim, players assume the role of the Dragonborn, a hero with the ability to absorb the souls of dragons and use powerful shouts (known as Thu'um). The main storyline revolves around the return of dragons to Skyrim and the player's quest to stop Alduin, an ancient dragon prophesied to destroy the world. Skyrim features a vast open world that players can explore freely, with numerous quests, dungeons, and locations to discover. Players can customize their character's appearance, skills, and abilities, allowing for a wide range of playstyles. The game also includes a rich crafting system, allowing players to create weapons, armor, and potions. Skyrim received critical acclaim for its immersive world, depth of gameplay, and attention to detail. It has won numerous awards and has a large modding community that has created a variety of user-generated content, enhancing and expanding the game even further. The game has been re-released on multiple platforms, including special editions with improved graphics and additional content. An experiment to see how far I can make it with zero armor rating in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Second Rate Saints


This podcast is produced by a small team of passionate, God fearing Christians who have no greater passion than to worship the Lord. However, we've never been to good at singing. Thankfully, the Lord has blessed us with a passion for learning, exploring the word of God, and asking the tough questions that so many never even think to ask. So if diving into the word of the Lord in a thoughtful, intellectual, and edifying way sounds interesting to you, come and tune in to our weekly discussion and hopefully you can learn something from these Second Rate Saints!

İRFAN EMSEN | Sesli Kitap Vesaire | Audiobook


Sesli kitap, öykü, masal, şiir, alıntı, kitap inceleme, yazarların hayat hikayeleri, radyo tiyatrosu, podcast, diksiyon, motivasyon, meditasyon, kişisel gelişim ve kitap önerileri gibi içerikler seslendiren ben Seslendirme Sanatçısı İrfan Emsen, kanalımda sizlere ücretsiz sunuyorum. Bu kanalda kitaplar var, yani dünyayı daha iyi anlamamızı, insanca yaşamanın yollarını öğreten; ➤ Türk ve Dünya edebiyatından klasikler, roman, hikaye, şiir kitapları ➤ Bilimkurgu, fantastik, polisiye romanları ➤ Felsefe, din, mitoloji, sosyoloji, psikoloji, kişisel gelişim, tarih, bilim, ekonomi, kültür, sanat, siyaset kitapları ➤ Çocuklar için hikaye ve masal kitapları, ➤ Yanısıra tüm bu kitapların ve kıymetli yazarlarının tanıtımları, kitap tavsiyeleri ve incelemeri, ➤ Kitapların zihnimizde yarattığı sorular ve bu sorulara cevap arayışları var. Bu kanalda kitaplara dair her şey var! Şimdi, hazırsanız sizler için özenle seçerek hazırladığım içeriklere göz atmaya başlayabilirsiniz.