Sage of Quay®


Sage of Quay™ - Your Home for Free and Critical Thinking Please support Sage of Quay™ Radio: * Sage of Quay Hub Website: * Sage of Quay blog: * Mike's music: LEGAL STUFF Sage of Quay® is a TRADEMARK. All Sage of Quay® Radio Hour shows and interviews are COPYRIGHTED. No portion of this presentation or any Sage of Quay Radio Hour show may be used, reproduced, altered or uploaded in part or whole without the expressed written consent of Mike Williams. The views and opinions expressed by any guest featured on The Sage of Quay Radio Hour are those of the guest and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of the host, Mike Williams or of The Sage of Quay Radio Hour as a whole. All content provided on The Sage of Quay Radio Hour is for informational purposes only. We make no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information discussed or presented during the show or found by following any link mentioned in the broadcast or in the show notes. Any and all images used in this video or any other Sage of Quay Radio Hour presentation are considered to be in the public domain, free to use, royalty-free material we have licensed or in compliance with the Fair Use Clause contained within the Copyright Act (17 US Code § 107). If by chance this is not the case and you are the rightful owner, please contact us at

Free And Equal Elections Verified


Free & Equal Elections Foundation is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization with a mission to open the U.S. electoral process. Since 2008, we’ve been producing meaningful Presidential Debates and organizing STRONG Independent Coalitions that promote AUTHENTIC Democracy to transform the current system which has been shaped by corporate influence. We are the ONLY organization to produce Nationally Televised Presidential Debates outside of the mainstream Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) A summary of our key initiatives includes: • Hosting Presidential, Gubernatorial & Senate Debates • Ensuring Independents have a Platform • Producing Electoral Reform Symposiums • Producing United We Stand Festivals with popular Musicians, Entertainers, and Thought Leaders • Creating a Blockchain Election Assistant App to transform our voting system and bring transparency to the electoral process. Visit us at to learn more.

Squatch Reloading


This channel focuses on the guy or gal who is thinking about getting into reloading. The intent is to break things down with real world experience and simplify things to eliminate the intimidation factor. Keep in mind that opinions vary from person to person and everything here is our opinion or method. We respect that philosophy and would ask for you to do the same. Always use published load data. We have no control over variations in components, reloading tools or your procedures. Ultimately you are responsible for your safety and the results of your reloading methods. The information and data covered on this channel is only for informational purposes. We do not assume, any responsibility, or liability for the accuracy of the materials or methods covered

Sasquatch Awareness Project


Mission Statement Educate, inform and increase the awareness of the general public and outdoor enthusiast from all walks of life that the creature known as Sasquatch/Bigfoot does exist. Assist and support those who have had encounters with the Sasquatch by providing a forum where questions, concerns, and experiences can be discussed without the fear of criticism, ridicule, or condemnation. Provide assistance to those who have had their lives disrupted by an encounter with the Sasquatch and help people better cope with the experience and restore as much normalcy as possible to their lives.