Mohamed Diallo Live


MDL SHOW is hosted by Mohamed Diallo, a Media Strategist with more than 25 years of experience in Radio Broadcasting. He won the award of the best Radio Broadcaster in the Ivory Coast in 1998 (UNJJCI). He Does a Lot of Research For Our Personal Development. "Ma raison de vivre: ÉCLAIRER, INSPIRER et MOTIVER, Positivement le Peuple, pour que tout le Monde se Sente Bien." "MON DÉSIR LE PLUS PROFOND: ÊTRE UNE SOURCE DE BONHEUR POUR MON AFRIQUE ET LE RESTE DU MONDE A JAMAIS. JE VOUS AIME TOUS."

Lectures From Mohamed Hoblos


Mohamed Hoblos, hailing from Lebanon, and living in Sydney (Australia) is famous for his ability to deliver passionate, emotional and powerful talks and reminders on various topics regarding the muslims of today. He have conquered many hearts with his preachings, especially the hearts of the young muslims. He have given lectures in many countries around the world and he regularly make short videos on the muslim media "One Path Network", as for example the video with Ali Banat (may Allah give him Jannah) "Gifted with Cancer - Ali Banat". Mohamed Hoblos was part also of the Sidney Deen Team which is an Islamic radio programme and he took part also on the Islamic short movie "Last Chance". Also an important thing to underline is that Mohamed Hoblos is not a Shaykh and that can lead in using a hadith that is weak, and he maybe thought was sahih etc. or he can say a hadith not in the exact form and that may cause a change on the meaning of the hadith etc. , for this reason we advice you to watch and share the videos of Mohamed Hoblos only from our Channel because we cut those parts. Support our Dawah Projects Brothers and Sisters on Patreon. Like & Share & Subscribe Follow us also on : Facebook - Lectures From Mohamed Hoblos Telegram - Lectures From Mohamed Hoblos Instagram - mohamed__hoblos (double underscore) TikTok - mohamed__hoblos (double underscore) Twitter - mohamed__hoblos (double underscore) Click on the links below : #Mohammad hoblos #mufti menk #Allah #Quran #Islamic lectures



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