Nancy Telfer ~ Spiritual & Wellness Coach


Nancy Telfer is a Dragon Resonance Healer, Quantum Light Coach and author of The Choice is YOURS. She shares different processes that you can implement in your life immediately! This life is about releasing what no longer serves you so that you can hold more LIGHT. When you are able to hold more LIGHT, you increase your frequency to be able to go to higher dimensions. Looking at life as if it is a video game and within the game is challenges to over come, Nancy assists the listeners to release whatever is causing resistance within the 'game'. Each level of this game of life has it's challenges and the higher you get the easier the challenges are to overcome. YOU have the power within you to transform your life. The processes offered on this channel unlocks the power you have always had. Together (your Soul & the Beings of LIGHT) the KEYCODES are called upon to unlock your true potential. Speaking Soul Language (Light Language) these KEYCODES will do the magic. Many blessings 🐉❤️🎶💫


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Welcome to Cine Quasar, where every frame ignites a celestial journey through the universe of cinema.Dive into a kaleidoscope of experiences! Our channel offers an eclectic mix of videos, from travel adventures to cooking escapades, inspiring talks to captivating documentaries. Join us on a journey through the diverse tapestry of life, where every video unveils a new story waiting to be told. If you are interested this channel make sure to Follow, so you never miss my videos! for sure it's free. ❤️Do Follow (#CineQuasar) .....................................................................................


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🚀 Welcome to QuakeQuasar! 🌌 Dive into the mesmerizing world of seismic sensations and cosmic comedy on the QuakeQuasar channel! 🎉 Brace yourself for a rollercoaster of laughter and awe as we blend the seismic with the comedic, creating an explosive fusion of entertainment. 🌐 About Us: QuakeQuasar is your go-to destination for a thrilling mix of earthquake adventures and side-splitting humor. We explore the extraordinary forces of nature and the hilarity that unfolds in our everyday lives. Join us on this seismic journey as we navigate through the quakes of laughter and the cosmic comedy of existence. 🎥 Content Highlights: 🌋 Earthquake Expeditions: Witness the raw power of nature as we take you on heart-pounding adventures to seismic hotspots around the globe. Feel the ground beneath your feet rumble and witness the beauty and might of Earth's tectonic forces. 😂 Cosmic Comedy Chronicles: Unleash your laughter with our side-splitting comedic sketches, where we find humor in the ordinary and celebrate